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So this is another elementary school story, this time it's like 3rd or 4th grade though- So my school had this thing on Wednesday's where the cafeteria would sell pretzels. This was the best day of the week to everyone because they'd be all warm and mad bussin! Plus they were only $5 (or $1, I don't remember but I think it was 5-) so they were pretty much the best thing at my school in everyone's opinion. People would be getting their friends money and getting them one or somebody would have a butt ton to get their entire friend group one because they just were that good- So on this day I had my money, and I don't know why but we are sitting in our auditorium (it was connected to our lunch room -.-) waiting for them to call our row for pretzels. So I was holding my money talking to my friends and waiting and this little girl comes up to me and goes "Hey you have pretzel money? :0". So I go "Yeah! :D" and she says "Can I see? •-•" and I said "Sure! ^^" shows her my money... This girl. Snatches it out my hand and runs. I chase after her, trying to get my money back while also trying to beat the crap out of her. These two staff breaks us up, one of them sits me in the cafeteria and goes "Calm down. What happened??". I burst into tears and go "SHE- SHE STOLE MY MONEY- AND- AND- I WAS GONNA GET A PRETZEL BUT SHE TOOK MY MONEY!! ;n;". He goes to the girl, I guess to get her side of the story, and I waited the rest of the day. I don't get my money back- So my mom confronts one of the women in the office, she basically goes (but didn't actually say) "Welp, we can't do anything about. Sucks to suck I guess!!" So my mom brought me one at the store next to my school, but it wasn't the same.. AND THAT KIDS IS WHY I GOT TRUST ISSUES- Moral of the story, don't show strangers your money. Also to whoever that kid was:FREAK YOU I HOPE YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A VEGETABLE AND YOU GET KIDNAPPED BY COLEEN BALENGEIR >:(/j

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