My Math Teacher Was A P3D0. 😀

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So this was this past school year, I'm going to start at the beginning of the school year because I guess it makes more sense?- So my math teacher (we're gonna call her Ms.Weirdo bc 1.I don't need her getting doxxed or anything 2.That's what her name sounds like and that's what she is honestly- and 3.She lives in the same area as me, so if she gets doxxed or whatever ppl will know where I live ;-;) has rubbed me the wrong way since the beginning of the school year. Never really liked her that much, but I still respected her because she's my teacher. You know a teacher sucks if I don't like them, I like a lot of my teachers so that's saying something- Her vibe was WEIRD as FREAK, she had that "person you'd walk pass in the street and never see again" type vibe. Never had that vibe with a teacher so that AUTOMATICALLY made me uncomfortable. So a month or two in the school year, I wanna say maybe before winter break, we were learning a new subject (don't ask me what bc I don't remember bc I didn't care I wanted to go HOME. -_-) and she KNEW none of us knew what this was. So instead of teaching us like a normal teacher, she instead sped through like we knew what we were doing, and gave us work on it. Then when one of us asked for help or didn't understand she'd be on some stuff like "Oh well you must've not been paying attention." or "It's easy, I don't understand how YOU don't understand. It's easy math. You should know how to do this, you're in 8th grade. This is HONORS, you DEFINITELY should know if since you were in honors last year.". She didn't say any of this to me, well mostly because I don't like asking for help. Biggest thing I hate doing, it helps yes, but it makes me feel dumb. Also the way she was talking to them just made me not want to ask help from her AT ALL. Plus, I wasn't in honors last year, I was in normal math, this was my first time in honors math. I don't even like math to begin with and I was already regretting taking this class. My math teacher recommended it to me last year (7th grade), I think he only asked because I was the only one who listened in his class and he didn't ask anyone else- So that made everyone hate Ms.Weirdo a little and that wasn't even the worst thing she did, that's just THE SMALL PROBLEMS THAT EASILY COULD BE FIXED WITH PROPER TRAINING. Then there was a sign up for student council, me and my friends all signed up. Most of my friends just signed up so they didn't have to eat in the lunch room but I signed up because I was generally interested in the things they were doing (I was one of the only one from the beginning to stay til the end of school year- ;u;). So it came time to see who got in, there was a slip at the entrance of the office so everyone who signed up looked at the paper. My last name starts with S so I knew I had to look down a bit to see if I was there, I wasn't. Reasonably I was a bit upset, usually I'm good at getting into stuff like this and also it just was really disappointing I didn't get in but basically all my friends did. They all comforted me before we all had to go to class though, I was still a bit bummed the rest of the day though (I sound like such a Disney MAIN CHARACTER ;-; I swear I was trying to look upset but it didn't work -._-. I bawled when I got in my moms car tho-). So, like any dad would, my dad was pretty mad and said that they'd ask why I didn't get in when we went to parent teacher conferences (I did not ask them to do this, they just cool like that-), let me remind you I got two BLACK parents. Keep this in mind- So we went, but we talked to some other teachers first before we talked to Ms.Weirdo (My dad really liked my science teacher, which is reasonable because he's literally the chillest teacher ever- Mr.Rizz ur awesome ^^ that's not his real name either but it IS real nickname he gave himself that everyone just uses-). So when we were heading to talk to Ms.Weirdo, my mom noticed a picture in the hallway that everyone in student council was in. She went "*My dad's name*, why everyone in this picture either White, Asian, or Latino?" I pointed out two of my friends who I think are mixed (not sure idk their parents), my mom still was a bit skeptical because most of the kids were light skinned, she also didn't really like my math teacher so she was going to ask about my grade and behavior- My math teacher was one of the people in charge of student council so that's why we went to her because the main guy wasn't there. So we walked in the classroom, my parents introduced themselves and they start talking about grades first (because why would they just come in there and be like "WHYS MY DAUGHTER NOT IN STUDENT CONCIL?!?! D:<"?-). So she goes on to explain how "she doesn't usually give out A's to students" and a bunch of other delusional crap. Then before my parents even get the CHANCE to ask, Ms.Weirdo snaps her head at ME and goes "Oh, Jaiyana. You wanted to get in student council right?" ... No I wanted to work at the zoo and visit my monkey ancestors- WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?! So obviously I said yes and I got in, but the way she just asked me just rubbed me and my parents the wrong way. Mind you, it's been a couple of days (probably even a week I don't remember-) since the list of people was shown so she had the chance to just ask me in class or after. You mean to tell me she waited this long and THEN ask me? Nah, she saw how my parents walked in (they got a pretty intimidating walk, even when they don't even try to- Black parents thing I guess, but they walked in there like they meant business XD) and knew what they were there for and she didn't want NO problems. My mom was mentally preparing herself in the car, she was ready for her to say something out of pocket so she could off in her- There was another situation where I had a B in my class (my family doesn't mind B's but we try to aim for A's-) so my mom emailed her to see why. Personally I work better with music, so sometimes I'll have my headphones on while working. Still paying attention though, but she basically says that it's because some of my work had low grades on them. Then also says "If she didn't have her headphones on then she would have a higher grade.". This woman tried to tell my mom I don't pay attention in her class. LYING ON ME. So my mom got mad and basically told her she wanted to talk face to face about this (even tho Pugh she could have told her during the last one when she got me in student council-), keep this in mind.


So winter break ends and we come back to school, me and my friend are on the bus going on a rotary field trip. A couple of my other friends are on the bus as well, I'm going to use fake names for them too but this was basically the conversation:

Amy:Hey have you guys seen the stuff about Ms.Weirdo?
Amy:Apparently she's getting exposed of Facebook.
Manny:About what?
Amy:Her ex was talking about how she was seeing her son's best friend..
Amy:Yeah, AND she was caught talking about Max in this one recording about some students in her honors. She also apparently was doing the devils tango with Mr.Musty (7th grade principal)
Me and Manny:MR.MUSTY???!!!!
Amy:Yeah it's crazy! *Shows some of the post*

So we could see all the post since we were in a buss with some school staff and we would've gotten in trouble. So me and Manny left after school, I got in my car and spilt the tea with my mom. Cause who else would you spill school tea with?- So we go home, and look at the posts. I'm texting Manny while watching and looking at all the post and we are both DYING!! So we come back to school Monday and guess who's no where to be seen?? So everyone is wondering where she's at and me and Manny are talking about it at our desk. Then my ELA teacher just starts yelling at everyone in the class that rumors aren't good and other crap- So we stopped (out loud at least, we just started texting each other-). A week or two go by, she's still gone. She missed parent teacher conferences- WERE NOT EVEN HALF WAY THROUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR AND THIS IS HAPPENING!! WERE IN JANUARY- So after a another week, we go to her classroom as usual with another sub. This time her stuff is gone. Like ALL her stuff. So everyone is giving each other a "Do you know what's going on??" look. We don't know what the freak is going on, but when we left the class a lot of us were kinda celebrating (including me-). We didn't really like her that much so this situation just made us not like her at ALL! Eventually we got a permanent class with Mr.Steelurmum (he simps for ppls moms jokingly-), and I understood math more than I did with Ms.Weirdo. I actually kind of enjoyed it! Plus he was super chill too, which is the type of teacher I like! Plus he made sure everyone knew what they were doing, and if we didn't he'd have us go up to the library to get a better understanding from his mom who was also a math teacher! She's cool too! In, I think, May rumors were spreading that she was at a different school but we don't know if that's true or not. Moral of the story, don't trust teachers with strange vibes. They might just be a p3d0- (This is the longest story I've ever told, I hope y'all got some good tea from this because this took me a while to write. ;-;)

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