How I Somehow Got Into Acting-

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I'm prob gonna make this 2 parts since I did 2 shows this year. So we gotta go back to like September of last year, me and my friend Callie saw that there was auditions for a play the school was doing called "Almost, Maine". We'd never heard of it and had no prior experience in acting (besides a theater class we had) and were kinda bored so we auditioned and didn't think we would get in. We didn't have to memorize the short script we picked but we picked the same one so we could at least try. Neither of us did (I don't think anybody did actually-) but we were able to read which one we had when auditions came. So Callie's going and I'm waiting in the room acting room (I had acting so I was already familiar with the room and like 2 people in there) and I was scared out of my MIND 😭😭 I'm internally panicking like "Why did I even do this?!!"! And Callie came back and was like "I might throw up-" jokingly, and that did not help me at all. Some of them people in there had been in a show or 2 before (me and Callie were the only freshmen's to audition that day) and were encouraging us so that made me feel a bit better. So I went out and my acting teacher and this one lady who I never saw again were sitting. So I tried to memorize the script off the top of my head but fumbled so badly but they let me try again reading it 🥲👍🏽 I did better but I had recorded my audition secretly (not that we couldn't I just didn't want to be obvious-) and looking back I sound so nervous. So I finish and I'm just thinking "Yeah no way I'm getting any role after that-" SOMEHOW I GOT INTO CALLBACKS! Me and Callie did and we were both shookith 💀 We had auditioned as Marvalyn and got called back as Waitress. It went well and after 3 days the full cast list was out. We both got in🧍🏽‍♀️ I got the role of Gayle and Callie got the role of Waitress. We were FLABBERGASTED. The way we did rehearsals would be one scene at a time (since there weren't any main(e) characters, it was like every scene was a different story but they were all happening in the same town. Just different places.) Since I had the last scene of act 1, I was usually going during the middle of rehearsal. My partner for my scene (Who played Lendall) was not there for most of the times we had rehearsals, at least in the late beginning to the middle before we did the show. Which was kinda weird since I was basically performing my scene alone unless another cast member would read their (I think they use they/them pronouns I'm not sure) lines or our director, who's also the acting teacher. I don't blame them since they actually couldn't come since they were in a mental hospital for their own personal reasons (I don't know what the reason was but even if I did I'm not saying because that'd just be weird). But they did come back and memorized their lines. At the time there were a few (but still too many 🤦🏽‍♀️) people in cast who didn't know some of their lines still, and the director was a little mad about it. But when we were leaving (me and my partner were the last ones to leave because director wanted to see us do our scene again) she told us she was talking about us when she said that and it made me all happy. Kicking my feet! :3 Callie was a bit stressed around this time because the person who was supposed to play Sandrine quit and we had no one to replace her, especially this late in. So our director asked Callie to replace her, and she reluctantly agreed (she's already playing Waitress so now she has 2 roles). It ends up stressing her out so she ended up just being Waitress, and someone else got Sandrine's role in replacement. We get to the first night and I'm nervous out of my mind. Basically everyone is, but definitely not as much as me or Callie since again this is our first time doing something like this. It ended up getting to my scene and my heart is racing 😭😭 I felt like I was going to throw up (not rlly just was scared out ma mind-) and my scene was still being transitioned to! I heard the music stop (my signal to start saying my lines and go on stage) and had that really cliché moment in movies where it's like "Well.. here goes nothing.". I ended up doing great and so did my partner! I'll skip forward to the last night since the 2nd night is the same. So before my scene, me and my partner are waiting backstage and something told me to check our props. All of them were there, except one. My scene has a paper bag with a ring box inside (with a ring in it, I get proposed to by Lendall). Thats the most important part of our scene.. So I'm panicking quietly and so doesn't my partner. We're telling techies backstage and they're trying to help us find it, we didn't find it. So we ended up having to pantomime (basically acting with a make believe prop). I was sick (not literally) after doing the scene, I was so unbelievably upset.. 🥲 The rest of the show went fine and I got over it, mostly, by the time bows came. My parents were comforting me about and said it was still good without it-

*To be continued*

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