I've Fought Before-

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I know- Shocking- There was this girl in my 4th grade class, her name was Janiyah (I think that's how you spell it but I don't really care -_-) so our names got mixed up often. We both hated it- I knew her since 2nd grade (and she lived one house down from me ._.), which is when I couldn't tell if I liked her or hated her. She'd be really petty with me sometimes (even though I was ALWAYS nice to her, I was a softy and people pleaser lol- which I still am a people pleaser ;-;), then be nice, and she just was really crazy. There was a time in 2nd grade when she got put in the hallway (which happened often), and she got the chair she was sitting on and broke the doors window (it was one of those thin rectangular windows-) and was screaming!! Reasonably everybody was freaked out like "What the freak is wrong with her??! .-_.-". So everybody already hated her. The worse part is she used to talk all this crap, get in a fight with the person she was talking about, get beat up, and then cry about it! She never won a fight- So back to my story, I was on Cool Math Games (It's blocked where I live now, I haven't played it since 5th grade ;n;) on one of the school computers (I'm surprised we had any, I went to school in Philadelphia- iykyk ig -.-). My friends came up to me and went "Jaiyana, Janiyah said she wants to fight you!". I had a crowded Freezeria and it was closed so I went "Well tell her to come over here if she wants to fight so bad." I was irritated because I was doing horribly for like 3 days in Papa's Freezeria and I was NOT trying to make it 4. I had to start over because usually I'd put the computer I usually play on in a certain spot so my stuff would save, but somebody took it. So I had to start over and I was doing horribly- So my friends went to tell her what I said and after a few minutes she came in front of my desk.... I wish I was lying when I say she stood there and did an arm cross like she was on Team Rocket. GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? I just looked at her like she was stupid (she was-) and stood up. All I told her was "Hit me first." and she did. I started beating her up with everybody watching. After a good minute my teacher pulled her away from me and put her outside, and called her grandfather. I had never been in a fight. I was shocked I even won. I guess the other kids in my class were just as shocked! I was that one kid that was the nice, rule following, quiet kid (I still am lol ;u;). So some kids we're actually praising me for some reason- I told my mom after school and she was proud K stood up for myself. Surprisingly that wasn't the last fight I was in with this girl, she just never learns. So I was, again, playing Papa's Freezeria. I don't know how well I was doing this time, but I was just playing as usual. Janiyah came up to me, without me realizing, and slapped me. When I tell you my blood was BOILING- I got up and my teacher must've had Spidey Senses or something because he had both my arms before I was able to get NEAR HER. He was trying to pull a Steven Universe on me to, he was saying something along the lines of "Jaiyana, it's not worth it. Calm down." BRO IS NOT STEVEN UNIVERSE- Thankfully this one kid, who I forgot the name of so we're just going to call him Bob, got my other arm and was able to pull me out the teachers grip so I can go beat Janiyah up. I had her on the ground crying and was going to step on her face, but I didn't. I should have though- She got dragged out of the classroom again and the the teacher called her grandfather. She never fought me again and we just stopped talking to each other after that. My sister was in Pre-K at the time and Janiyah would still hug her after school, of course my sister had no idea we had beef so I just would side eye her when she walked away. I've moved from that house that was near hers in 2020, I don't know what she up to now. My mom says that there might have been something really wrong with her, but I doubt it. Hopefully she's not doing the same things she was doing in elementary school. Moral of the story, stand up for yourself, because you slay. Also never hit first, that's bum behavior-

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