Panel 1 Jin picks up a full plate of food
Jin's thoughts " Another day and she barely eats. Its hard to notice if she even touched it
Panel 2 Jin doing the dishes
Jin Narration: I've been staying home these last few days
Panel 3 on his laptop
Jin: been doing all my work here...
Panel 4 and Jin at his desk sketching
Didn't want to leave this girl alone at my house, who knows if she would steal from me.
Panel 5 Jin sighing laying down his pencil
Jin: she barely spoke a word to me at all I guess it makes sense, i basically kidnapped her
Panel 6 Jin's phone going off with messages from Rowan and Flora
Jin: She obviously won't talk to me either she doesn't trust me or she doesn't want to talk about it.
Panel 7 Jin picks up his phone scrolling through his messages
Jin: I just need patience, being too rash will only give her the wrong impression. Though even her small words make me curious about who she is
Panel 8 Jin sighs
Jin: honestly why did I think that taking a complete stranger into my house was a good idea. God i'm stupid if only I can actually talk to her but she's practically a mute right now.
Panel 9 Jin's phone seeing Flora's name on his messages
Jin: Unless...
Panel 10 A girl with multicolored hair talking to some of her classmates (MOMMY FLORA.......sory)
Girl A And then I met with them and oh my god it was so bad...
Girl B that's what you get for going out with boys from highschool.
Flora: hahaha yeah they're so fool of themselves its funny yet sad.
Panel 11 The girl turning around
Flora: GASP
Panel 12 Flora running her whole body in shot with a bookbag
Flora: JIIII JIIIII!!!!!!!!!
Panel 13 Flora hugs Jin
Flora: JIIIIIIN i thought you died WAAAAAAAAAAA ;o;
Panel 15 Jin looking more awkward
Jin: sorry i was with Mia last night.
Panel 16 Flora waving it off with a chibi crying rowan in tow
Flora: no no it's fine you should apologize to Rowan he's the one worried like a mother for you
Panel 17 Jin scratching his head in innocence with chibi Rowan crying and hugging him
Jin: yeah i already saw him and he was clinging to me like a child
Panel 18 Flora: laughing
Panel 20 Flora: holding her phone
Flora anyway, got your text, you wanted something from me BUUUUT not promising it'll be for free hehehehe
Panel 21 Jin leaning on the wall standing next to Flora
Jin: well here's the thing I found this girl-
Panel 22 Flora with a smirk and Jin retaliating
Flora: a girl?!?!?.... Gasp does that mean-