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Panel 1 Flora gets dressed with Rowan in the same room scrolling through some screens

Flora maybe this one

Panel 2 Rowan scrolling not caring to much

Rowan do you really need to go shopping for the festival you already have so many clothes you can wear for the orange light fest

Panel 3 Flora finishing getting ready

Flora well mostly for Rina this is her first time after all

Panel 4 Rowan closing his screens

Rowan Flora be honest what's your deal with that girl. You known her for like 2 or so weeks and now you're acting like she's your best friend

Panel 5 Flora sighs adjusting her hat

Flora Honestly Rowan. I already told you Jin was the one who asked me to be friends with her

Panel 6 Flora touches her mirror

Flora and I only took that request because it seemed like Jin needed something from her. And it put him more at ease

Panel 7 Rowan standing up

Rowan is that really all there is to it Flora you were always as clever and cunning as him

Panel 8 Her eyes look towards him

Panel 9 Flora finishes her adjustments of her hat

Flora i don't know what you mean Ro.

Panel 10 Flora in a cute pose

Flora or are you jealous that I get to have something to do while you're bored

Panel 11 Flora rushes out of the room

Flora well later Ro

Panel 12 Rowan stares at her seriously

Panel 13 Rowan sighs sitting on his bed

Panel 14 Rowan opens another screen

Panel 15 A holographic picture of the two as kids( note for rin around the time before Jin's mom died)

Panel 16 Rowan looking a little more frustrated

Rowan When did you two start to change? I wonder if it was the city that has changed you both. Yet you two are still blind to the city

Panel 17 Rina curled in a ball with Rina still covering her ears trembling

Panel 18 A knock on the door scaring Rina

Panel 19 Rina scrambles to a corner ducking with another knock

Panel 20 A shot of the whole house

Flora Rina you home. Sorry I forgot to tell Jin I was coming today my bad but hey unpredictability is more exciting right

Panel 21 Rina opening the door

Panel 22 Flora staring a little confused

Flora you good you look like you saw a ghost

Panel 23 Rina with a black speech bubble next to her

Reina Cmon tell their don't you trust her. Go on

Panel 24 Rina closing the door behind her

Rina it's nothing

Panel 25 Flora turning about to leave with her hair flowing in the wind

Flora well let's get going

Panel 26 Jin moving his hair back a bit showing the Echo in his ears

Panel 27 A boy with all his hair covering one eye

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