Starry sky

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Panel 1 Sirius A in view with black hatching along the edges and glitching Rina: Star light Star Bright First star I see tonight

Panel 2 A blue butterfly descending finally landing on a white lily

Rina: I wish I may, A wish i might

Panel 3 The lily petal falling 

Rina: Have the wish

Panel 4 The petal falling on a pool of blood

Rina: I wish Tonight

Panel 5 The light flickers and statics

Panel 6 the corpse hand in blood with sound effects of hyperventilation and heavy breathing

Rina I wish

Panel 7 A zoom in on her mouth show the breathing coming from her

Rina I wish

Panel 8 The light flickers off Rina: I wish to forget everything tonight

Panel 9 A jumbotron playing the news

News lady: Last night authorities have found 2 bodies in an alleyway in Kalla district the bodies have been identified as-

Panel 10 A boy with his hood and staring up

Panel 11 The boy disappears with the crowd

Panel 12 Jin falling asleep in class

Panel 13 The teacher on the lecture podium

Teacher: and thats time don't forget to watch the lecture before next class and email me if you have any questions about your assignment look on dashboard for any new announcements

Panel 14 Jin walking down the stairs

Jin: I need an Energy Drink..

Panel 15 Jin: cracks the can

Panel 16 Jin: drinking his energy drink with starry eyes behind him

Panel 17 Hands on his shoulder

Panel 19 Rowan: screaming at Jin as he spits out his can

Rowan: JI-

Panel 20 Jin: coughing

Jin: why..... ;-;

Panel 21 Rowan carrying a bag with a thumbs up

Rowan: cause i want to, plus I wanted some chips. Wanted to hang out before you leave.

Panel 22 The two sitting at a table outside

Panel 23 Rowan eating some chips with a smirk on his face

Rowan: "dude, did you see that news about the murders? It's getting scarier out there." I can barely walk out there without having to worry about getting jumped or kidnapped.

Panel 24 Jin shaking holding his can

Jin: (nervously) oh really?

Panel 25 Rowan smirking like cat knife meme

Rowan: (sighs) Yeah it really is getting worse, doesn't help that everything is about whats going on out there but man the city is almost as bad makes me hesitate to go outside anymore

Jin: SHUT, now I don't want to leave this place anymore

Panel 26 Rowan laughing

Rowan I'm just messing with you! jeez you're way to easy anyway

Panel 27 Jin holding his can

Jins thoughts: he says it jokingly but he's probably right

Panel 28 Rowan looking at him chewing another chip

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