Hooded Girl

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Chapter 19
Panel 1 Jin packs his stuff to go home

Panel 2 Jin walks alone with his hood up looking towards the ground as his breaths start making some clouds

Panel 3 Jin walks

Jin thought It's getting colder by the day cant even go to school without a coat anymore. I wonder if she gets cold. Do demis really get cold

Panel 4 Jin walks from his POv with the shots being blurry

Panel 5 Jin rubs his eyes

Jin was this a problem with the design. Or is it because i used it to much. I wonder  if this can be a issue with the real Sorann. No this has to be because i rushed the design

Panel 6 Jin holding his phone

Jin it's already this late. I should probably keep looking. Aether might be more empty now. And maybe Vaan is back in Nijika

Panel 7 Jin opens his door

Panel 8 Jin walks in with the lights turning on

Jin just need to grab Sorann and go again toni-

Panel 9 Jin passes out with his phone cracking

Panel 10 his phone still going off with Flora and Rowan

Panel 11  The day going by with Rowan and Flora walking home

Rowan so you havent seen him either

Flora nope he hasnt been at school even went to all of his classroom

Panel 12 Flora texting on her phone

Flora maybe he decided to sleep at work Jin says its normal to sleep there

Panel 13 more cadets and posters for war near them

Rowan I see that sucks

Panel 14 Flora looking up from her phone

Flora oh i'm glad you are feeling better Ro

Panel 15 Rowan speaking to her

Rowan no need to patronize me. Flo

Panel 16 Flora texting on her phone

Flora do you want to go check on them could be fun for a bit

Panel 17 Rowan puts his hands behind his head

Rowan no i'm sure they're fine

Flora you sure

Panel 18 Rowan looking forward

Rowan Yeah let's go home

Flora okay. (dang that was a boring response)

Panel 19 Rowan and Flora doing homework

Flora  this is so boring

Panel 20 Rowan scrolling through his holograms

Rowan well your the one who keeps nagging about studying for midterms besides you always pass with flying colors

Panel 21 Flora laying her head on her arms her eyes looking duller than usual

Flora yeah I'm starting to get bored of studying. I mean aren't you bored to Ro

Floras thoughts and nothing exciting has happened since the festival last week. This sort of thing is so predictable

Panel 22 Rowan sighing

Rowan I am but what do you want to do then  Flo

Rowans thoughts she always does contradict herself. But i'm the one who needs studying

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