Bliss Reminisce

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Panel 1 Jin wakes up in his bed

Panel 2 He walks to check on Rina

Panel 3 Her sleeping in the bed

Jin looks like whatever Flora said to her really worked. But is it okay to lend my house to her should I ask her to leave or maybe lend her some money to get back on her feet.

Panel 4 the coffee drips into the mug

Jin but she still hasn't told me anything about that night. When i subtly bring it up she just stares at me as if she doesn't even know what I'm talking about

Panel 5 Jin drinking his coffee

Jin well today is Tuesday so i don't have classes guess i'll keep sketching at home before

work I think i can ask the others what ideas they have for Sorann when i get there.

Panel 6 Rina poking her head through the door

Panel 7 she steps on papers

Panel 8 Rina picks it up showing a bunch of notes with an old sketch of a robotic like arm

Rina what is this-

Panel 9 Jin notices her '

Jin oh you're awake... That's just an old sketch of an arm enhancement. It was supposed to be used for reaching higher places and can be a good physical weapon with its speed. I made that prototype for work a few months ago

Panel 10 Rina stares at the paper

Rina arm inn-hand-ce-ment

Panel 11 Jin takes the paper from her hands

Jin yeah.

Panel 12 Rina bending over looking over more papers

Rina are all these papers your job

Panel 13 Jin still sketching

Jin no those are references notes I do most of the designing online

Panel 14 Rina holding a lot more papers

Rina but all of these dont look the same

Panel 15 Jin taking the papers in her hands

Jin yeah they are all different bio weapons

Panel 16 Rina looking over her shoulder

Rina what's that

Panel 17 Jin's eyes furrow a bit looking a little bit upset

Panel 18 panels of weapons glowing different colors

Jin yeah the company i work for is a technology company that now specializes in bio weapons

Panel 19 crystals glowing different

Jin they call themselves that because it's the only corporation that made their own energy cores to power they technology specifically

Panel 20 Panels of the war

Jin let's just say that these weapons are used to help with a bad cause

Panel 21 Rina tilts her head

Panel 22 panels of his messy papers on his floors, and bins full of energy cans and his desk full of books and more paper and a cork board that is covered with cloth and curtains

Panel 23 Memories of Flora talking about Jin and Jin walking home that night

Panel 24 Rina thinking

Rina thought's Flora was right...

Panel 25 Rina looking concerned

Rina Jin you're working way to much. You barely leave and when you do your gone for the whole day

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