Panel 1 Rina running around the festival like a child
Panel 2 Flora running after her
Flora Hey wait up
Panel 3 Rowan's hand on Jin's shoulder shocking Jin a bit
Rowan Try and feel more at ease man...
Panel 4 A mansion shown
Rowan woah the Mansion is back. Cmon Jin you remember loving this
Panel 5 Jin looking a little scared
Jin No i don't ever remember liking that haunted house
Panel 6 A montage of Jin being jump scared and almost fainting with Rowan laughing and holding Jin up
Panel 7 The two leaving the haunted house with Jin almost incapacitated
Rowan see wasn't that fun
Jin: O_O
Panel 8 Rina and Flora getting some food
Panel 9 The people start coming in
Panel 10 Rina looking a little more scared
Flora It's fine. Festivals are like this. It's the only real fun we get here after all
Panel 11 Flora takes her hands
Flora cmon we can play some games to get your mind off things okay
Panel 12 Flora sees something in the distance
Flora woah what's that
Panel 13 Rina just as confused
Rina what do you mean
Panel 14 Flora and Rina running
Panel 15 A white flower alone in a dark field away from the city and in the grass
Panel 16 Flora and Rina bending over to see the flower glowing (note for Rin this flower will look like a lily but called something different)
Rina what is this
Panel 17 Flora on her knees looking at the flower amazed
Flora this is what we call a Ghost lily a real one too. Guess Nijika was always good for water and it's close to the outskirts of the city after all
Panel 18 The flower glowing
Flora these are really rare to find. Most of the flowers and plant life in the city are all synthetic and artificial. Especially if you go to Aether. I've always loved nature if my name wasn't a give away. Oh you should see my garden the plants are synthetic but they still look pretty
Panel 19 Flora touches the petal slightly as it switches to an empty grin from her
Flora I've always liked flowers and nature because they never change.
Panel 20 The flower glows once again
Flora's thoughts it really does never change and yet it looks so pretty
Panel 21 Rina looks at the flower with a little bit of a empty smile
Rina this flower
Panel 22 A POV of her hand and the flower covered in blood
Panel 23 Rina gets scared backing away
Panel 24 Flora looking worried
Flora Rina you good?
Panel 25 Flora gets up helping Rina up
Panel 26 Rina seeing her hand with a small panicked look on her face