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It's her wedding day!

Viona had never considered getting married this soon. She always thought she wanted to love someone, then propose and marry after getting to know each other well.

But thanks to her parents, all those fantasies got blurred...

Viona was already 23 years old. But she thought it was too early for her to get married.

However, her mother had a different thought and refuted her idea.

"You are an alpha! You must marry soon, so you can create your family when you have the energy."

Viona was an alpha. Alphas always held priority and had to take all the responsibilities.

As a female alpha, many around her thought she liked betas because she usually didn't like the presence of omegas around her. But no beta managed to get along with her, since she was too much to handle for them.

Her mother was also an alpha while her father was a beta. So she came out of her beta father's belly. Her mother was the boss of their family. Like that, she wanted her daughter also to get a family and settle.

It can't be helped. Mothers always feel so. 

Even though Viona avoided marriage for like two years, she finally had no excuse because she couldn't get a lover. So her mother pushed her into this marriage. 

She expected that since they would be living together, they would get along and make their family.

Viona's marriage partner happened to be a male omega. He was the same age as her and also happened to face the same experience as Viona.

Pushed into the marriage.

Even though what happened was the same thing, the reasons for their families to do so were totally the opposite.

Viona's marriage partner, Ethan was the only omega in their family. In a family where they despised omegas, he never had a peaceful life. His family wanted to get rid of him very soon, so they pushed him to Viona.

But Viona's mother wanted Viona to have a family. She had good intentions.

As things finally settled, they got married.

They couldn't even talk much. Viona didn't even know much about her husband. Not even about what he likes to eat.

That was a little messed up.

So Viona decided to talk with him and get along well, then later move to family matters.

Thankfully, Ethan also understood that.

"Ethan, I think we need to know each other well. Things happened so fast that I couldn't even get to know you well. But now we are husband and wife."

After they arrived at their new house, Ethan and Viona sat down on the couch and had a little talk.

Viona looked at the man in front of him. He had a beautiful face, as expected from an omega. But he was as tall as Viona, yet not taller than her. He looked kind of skinny, but he had some light in his eyes.

He seemed happy.

Viona was glad.

Actually, after she realised finding a lover would take too much time, she felt bored about it. So even if she married Ethan this soon, they still had time to get along. It was not late. They had a lot of time.

"I got it. As you wish."

He said with his head down. 

Viona smiled and got up to check the gifts. They had received a lot of gifts. She always loved to open those boxes and curiously guess what was inside before that. She grew up receiving gifts on every special occasion. She loved that.

Now she had a husband. Someone to stay beside her every time. It felt a little different because it was not her parents. She was very familiar with them and would not hesitate to tell anything. But Ethan was different. They still had to get to know each other. So it felt a lot different.

The company didn't feel the same, because the person had changed. But with Ethan next to her, she felt she had to be responsible, she felt she should work hard and treat him well.

She was the alpha which meant she was at the top of their relationship. Ethan was an omega who was always taught to follow alphas' orders and instructions.

However, Ethan felt this alpha in front of him was a little different from the alphas in his family.

She didn't ask him to keep his distance. She didn't ask him to take off his clothes. She didn't touch him. She didn't beat him.

'Maybe because we haven't gotten to know each other well...when time passes, she will also be like others.'

Ethan looked at the young woman unwrapping a gift full of smiles. It was strange…

'How could she smile like that? Does she really not hate me?'

Ethan had a serious problem. He hated alphas. He hated them. He wished no alpha would have a peaceful life.

Just because of his family!

But it was not his fault.

His father was an alpha, and his elder brother was also an alpha. He had never seen his mother, but he thought she must have been an omega. However, his father never talked about his mother. He would beat Ethan, he would ask him to stay in his room and not to come in front of him.

His brother also did the same. He also hated him as his father did. But Ethan never knew why.

Ethan's life was a total mess. He couldn't go to high school because his father didn't want to spend money on him. Other than some basics, he didn't study anything major. So his future was ruined.

His father would say omegas don't need to study since they would just have to serve alphas in bed. He was raised telling that.

Omegas are for relieving the sexual desires of alphas. Other than that, omegas are useless. 

He grew up hearing that all day.

He hated them but was also scared. Whenever he went outside, he would just walk looking around, hesitating and keeping his guard up, because he was scared of alphas. Especially male alphas.

Since Viona was a female alpha, Ethan was not much scared.

But deep in his heart, he still remembered it.

'She is still an alpha. All the alphas are the same.'

Her Omega HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now