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That day, they had lunch outside and bought dinner when they arrived home. After enjoying their time, Viona thought she should let Ethan take a rest. So she bought their dinner on the way home since it was already nearly 7 pm.

They had spent a lot of time outside. And it brightened up Ethan's mood. So Viona was confident it was definitely worth it.

'If it continues like this, I am sure we will get close very soon.'

Only if things were that simple!

But she intended to do it. 

"Here, sit down."

Ethan and Viona had dinner together. Even though Ethan didn't talk as usual, he seemed to have changed a lot. His complex looked happy. 

After having dinner, Ethan saw Viona going to the guest room to sleep. That ruined his mood again. She still went to that room instead of sleeping together with him.

But Viona wanted to sleep with Ethan so badly. She wanted to sleep hugging her husband who smelled like lemon and made her crave for more. But she knew she might end up doing something inappropriate if she were to get too close to him. She still had to wait. It was still early.

That day also went the same, but they the distance between them had got smaller.


The next day, 

Viona woke up smelling the breakfast. Ethan was making breakfast and Viona was still sleeping. It was not a surprise that Ethan didn't even bother to wake her up. She couldn't get mad anymore. She slowly understood Ethan's perspective of her.

He was simply thinking he was a servant to his alpha. 

That was a very very bad situation. If she couldn't change his way of thinking about her, they might never get close. He would keep thinking of serving her instead of loving her. It would be a tasteless life.

Viona had to think about a solution too. However, first of all, she's gonna fill up her stomach. It was growling like mad.

After having breakfast, Viona was the first to talk again.

"I will have to work from tomorrow on."

Viona couldn't rest for long. She had many things to take care of. So she had to go to work from next day and what she wanted to know was if Ethan was also going to work tomorrow.

"I see..."

Ethan said and didn't say anything other than that. Viona was a little frustrated.

"Mm...What about you? Are you also going to work tomorrow?"

Viona asked him. To tell the truth, she didn't want him to go. She didn't like it. She had the urge to order him not to go there. But considering Ethan's way of thinking, she knew it would make him misunderstand her. So she tried her very best to make it sound like she gave the choice to Ethan.

"...I haven't thought about it yet."

Which simply meant he was not interested in his job. But Viona was thoughtful.

"Okay...If you decide to go to work, then you must tell me..."

Just as she thought their talk would end there, Ethan suddenly parted his lips to tell something. Viona was excited to see what he wanted to say.

"You...won't mark me?"

Ethan looked at Viona and asked with that pitiful face. He must have thought she didn't want to do it. However, Ethan wanted her mark, so he could finally rest assured at least the slightest about getting into trouble with other alphas.

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