She Cares!

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That day Viona asked Ethan to sleep alone because she was kind of worried that she might lose control seeing an omega next to her. Ethan was a little worried when he heard that because Viona was too shy to explain it clearly to him. So he misunderstood that she hated him next to her.


Both of them went to sleep that day with different thoughts in their mind. 

'I really have a husband now! An omega! Wow! I still can't believe it!'

Viona was in the guest room. She said she would sleep there as she offered the room to Ethan. Ethan would never deny what she wants, so he simply accepted what she wanted.

As they went to sleep, both of them fell asleep fast. 

As time passed, Viona was having happy dreams. A future with children, and full of laughs.

But Ethan was having nightmares. He saw his brother and father coming to visit him and complaining about him to Viona. Then Viona got angry at him and asked for a divorce.

He was awakened by the nightmare as he said 'Don't want to' in a low voice.

'I don't want to divorce.'

An omega who once divorced won't be accepted by society with a good impression. They judge them and insult them very badly. Omegas always got bullied, but no omega had the power to stand up against them.

That's just their unlucky fate.

That's what every omega knew.

Born as an omega, it was a bad thing. But if it wasn't for omegas, how could children be born?

They treat omegas as machines for sex and machines to breed their kind.

That was really unfair.

But every omega wished they could get an alpha who would treat them with love.

That was the last string for them to survive.

It was already early in the morning. Ethan saw the wall clock showing it was 3.00 am. Ethan didn't want to sleep again. So he went to the bathroom and took a shower to let go of all those fears for the moment.

He got out of the room thinking he should start arranging or cleaning the house since he had nothing to do. He was used to work like a servant. So he simply thought it would be better to do those cleaning silently, letting his alpha rest more.

That was his job anyway.

But to his surprise, Viona was already in the living room doing something.

From behind, Ethan couldn't see what she was doing. So he slowly walked to the couch, but it seemed like she heard his footsteps.

She turned around and showed a surprised face.

"You! Why are you up so early? Wait! Did you take a bath early this morning?"

She was surprised that she didn't even hear the water running. But her omega stood in front of her like a dog who got caught in the rain. 

Viona looked a little mad. That made Ethan flinch and he hesitated to answer her.

"It's not too early. It's normal for me."

As he said he looked at Viona because she was silent. She was looking at him with a suspicious look on her face.

Ethan didn't know what was going on in her mind. 

She walked closer to Ethan and he just froze at the spot. He felt a pressure that made him tremble.

The alpha in front of him was angry.

That pressure was caused by her.

"Did you use hot water?"


The pressure got even harder for him to handle. He was going to fall when suddenly Viona grabbed his hand.

"Ethan, you didn't wipe your hair, didn't you? You are going to catch a cold! How could you be so careless! taking cold showers early in the morning and you didn't even wipe your hair, yet wandering around the house!"

Her voice was raised and the grip on his wrist tightened.

Most of the time, the first gender is actually just a skin for people. They just say he is male and she is female from the first gender.

But if she was an alpha, she could be stronger than any man. Maybe even stronger than a male alpha.

So Ethan, a weak omega, could only tremble in fear in front of an alpha.

Viona being a woman didn't matter. She was the alpha and the one who controlled him.

Most male omegas find it kind of embarrassing to get together with a female alpha because a woman is more powerful than them and they have to submit themselves to a woman.

According to the first gender, men are stronger than women. But things change when it comes to the second gender.

However, Ethan never thought about those things. In every possible way, he would still end up with an alpha, the kind he fears and hates the most next to omegas. He hated himself more than anyone. Being powerless was very hard to bear.

Viona was obviously very strong. She might snap him into pieces with a little more power.

"Sigh...I am not mad at you. Don't make that face."

Viona couldn't hold it early in the morning.

She dragged him to the couch, brought a towel, and wiped his hair.

Ethan just stayed frozen until she finished. When her fingerprints touched his ears and neck, he couldn't help but tremble slightly as they were very sensitive to alpha's touch. He was a little panicked.

After she was done, she sat next to him and looked at him again. But she didn't look mad anymore.

"Ethan, I don't care how you lived in your old home. But from now on, you must remember you are living in a new home with a new person. So you must not be careless. You must take care of yourself well because I want you to do so. Got it?"

Ethan nodded. He took it as an order. That was the first time she was strict and he saw his father's nature from her. But that was not the same. She wanted him to be healthy. She was ordering him to make him take care of himself. But his father did all those to insult and harm him.

'There are not the same...They are different. She cares about me.'

That's when Viona finally lost it. She saw Ethan's cheeks blushing after nodding with his head down. That was her first time seeing him a little lively. 

'Does he like it when I care about him?'

Of course. That's the case!

All he wanted was comfort and love. Viona was the best person to give that to him.

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