Her Omega

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"Ethan, I have to go to work every day. When I am done with work there, it will be past 6 most of the time. So I will be at home around 6.30 or 7.00 pm. If I am late, you can have dinner and go to sleep. Okay?"

That night they were supposed to have sex as husband and wife. But Viona thought it would be better to get to know each other well first and avoid those unfamiliarities. It was not just sex. It was their first sex as husband and wife. That was an important event in their marriage life. So Viona wanted it to be more comfortable for Ethan.

Since they had already got married, she thought she could wait to mate with him. 

She might be able to wait.

She wanted to hear Ethan by himself if he wanted it. Or else she would feel that she was forcing him. And at that moment her sexual desires were not that strong though. So she was willing to wait for that day. Even though she was a little greedy for her husband at that moment, their relationship mattered more.

Alphas usually have more desires. Omegas just follow them and let them do anything as they also have desires. 

Ethan was ready for anything, he was ready to follow whatever Viona was going to say.

Viona was talking and didn't seem to ask about having sex. So he listened to Viona and they talked more about their daily lives.


Ethan simply nodded to everything she said. He did it again.

Then it was the silence again. Viona felt Ethan was not a talkative person. But it was not like that. He was originally a sensible person. He wanted to talk with her. He wanted to talk about him too. But he was scared. He thought Viona would think his details were unnecessary. 

Alas, he didn't have anything happy to describe to Viona.

Seeing the atmosphere was a little awkward, Viona took the lead again.

"So what about you? I guess you don't go to work?"

Usually, most of the omegas don't work. But sometimes because of family circumstances, omegas would work to earn money. 

"I actually work in a restaurant as a waiter. It's been like three months since I started working there."

He said but still didn't look at Viona.

"I see...do you still intend to go there?"

Viona didn't want to stop him from going to work. But she just got a greedy feeling. He was now hers. Of course, working as a waiter wasn't safe for an omega where most of the pervert alphas were looking for poor and weak omegas to spend their nights with.

She couldn't let her husband get into trouble. She gotta keep him for herself. No one could touch him.

Actually, things would be easy if she marked him. But things would not be that simple though. Just because he was marked, she couldn't be sure that no alpha would come to him. 

As an alpha's nature, she got possessive of Ethan all of a sudden after thinking about the possibility of him getting into trouble. But she didn't like to hurt his feelings by forcing him to stay at home.

"If you want to stay at home, I will stay at home. It doesn't matter. I don't earn much money anyway."

He chuckled and said, but Viona was sure he was displeased about his answer.

"It's okay. I won't stop you. I don't want you to have any trouble. That's it. You can go to work, no need to stay at home all day."

Viona smiled at him and said in a comforting manner. But Ethan's face still remained the same. 

That really bothered her.

It felt like he didn't like her.

That actually angered her.

After an alpha thinks this omega is hers or his, it would be hard to let go of that feeling. So she couldn't accept him disliking her.

She could make him like her. So that was what she planned on doing.

"I will think about it."

Ethan said, then again it was silence.

"Mmm...Now we are husband and wife. I hope we can have a happy married life. I wish to know you more. Please take care of me."

Viona smiled brightly as she held Ethan's hand and said gently. 

Ethan calmed down instantly hearing her talking very kindly with him.

'Do alphas treat their marriage partner differently? Will she be kind to me because I am her husband?  '

He was still thinking about his old home. He just couldn't get rid of these memories. It was a nightmare he wanted to forget so badly.
They would not let him do so.

He wished at least Viona would be a little kind to him, not knowing Viona was actually being very gentle with him, only him.

She had got a new world to protect.

Her cute husband...mmm...serious husband.
He can't be called cute cause he is way too serious...

'I will mark him when he finally accepts me by himself! After that, he will be my omega!'

Her Omega HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now