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Viona saw Ethan preparing the dinner table and decided to help him. But he seemed to step away from her even though he didn't show it.

So she was a little mad.

She grabbed him forcefully and pulled him toward her. Then hugged him tight and kissed the bite mark on his nape.

"You are mad, aren't you honey? But I love when you are jealous."

She caressed the mark and whispered in his ear. His face was red and he could only think of moving away from her, but he had no energy. His body didn't listen to him.

Staying like that, Viona released pheromones all of a sudden. Ethan couldn't understand the meaning of doing so. But the effect was still the same. He felt his body tremble and his pheromones started releasing automatically.

After around three minutes, she stopped releasing hormones but it took more time for Ethan to control his pheromones.

"Now it's good. I smell like you."

Viona smiled warmly and walked to the kitchen and brought the dishes to the table while Ethan stood there in a daze.

'What the hell happened just now?'

He regained his senses when suddenly the doorbell rang. 

He heard a man's voice next which startled Ethan a bit.

He already made up his mind and gathered all the courage to face her alpha friend. 

'It's okay. He is Viona's friend. Nothing to worry about. He is good...',

He calmed himself down and walked to the door to open the door. But before that, he asked Viona if she would open the door. But Viona was carrying food plates and was busy, so she asked him to open the door.

Ethan walked to the door and opened the door casually but suddenly something jumped at him. He couldn't figure out what was going on until suddenly he was pushed away.

It was Viona's omega friend. She was the one that jumped at him and hugged him but seemed to quickly notice it was an unfamiliar person. So she pushed him away quickly and Ethan was hurt by her touch.

Helena wanted to hug Viona and leave her scent on her all the time so that Omega would have to accept the fact Viona didn't dislike her smell on her. But things went wrong when she realised the person she had hugged was not Viona but a different person, an omega.

Sure enough, it was of course that omega. So she pushed him away angrily but still maintained a smile and said sorry. It felt very fake.

Mark smirked at the side seeing her cunning work and waited for the other omega to throw a tantrum. He was expecting that because he had seen many omegas arguing childishly over an alpha when that alpha was not even interested in any of them. Helena was originally that type, So he thought the other one also would be the same.

But it didn't happen.

"Hello, please come inside."

Ethan politely welcomed them despite the fact he could see the hostile glare of that other omega. And he confirmed his suspicion. 

That omega liked Viona, he had got a love rival.

But he didn't think it seriously. He had faced more than enough problems. So a rival was nothing.

Helena didn't even look at him and walked past him. But Mark stopped and smiled at Ethan. Then he handed over the gifts to Ethan and followed Helena to the couch.

"Here is a small gift for you newly wedded guys. It's nice to meet you."

Mark talked nicely and he looked very friendly. But Ethan was not that easy to deceive. He had figured out what kind of person Mark was when he saw him smirking when that omega friend was rude to him.

He was a guy who enjoyed others in a mess. A dangerous guy he would never want to get along with. But he was Viona's friend. So he had to be nice to stay calm even though his heart was trembling in fear.

'It's okay...He might not be as bad as them...It's okay, calm down.'

He again calmed down and closed the door and walked to the living room.

His hands were full of gift bags, so first he had to place them somewhere. He wanted to stay out of their zone and stay in a corner. But Viona seemed to have already seen through him and she didn't let him slip out of there. Ethan couldn't help but feel a little awkward staying in the middle of them.

"I see why you were so proud to show off that you have an omega. He really is a perfect match for you."

Mark said with a smile but Ethan still felt it had a hidden meaning. He didn't look him in the eye because he was not interested. He hated alphas. He hated them.

When he heard Mark talk playfully, his mind ran back to that darkest past. He hated alphas. The hatred aroused again in his heart.

But why was that one alpha's touch felt so comforting?

'Do I really hate them? I don't know...'

Helena kept trying to get close to Viona but Viona kept Ethan next to her, so she couldn't go and sit with her.

She looked gloomy and that was not invisible for Viona either.

But she thought it was a normal jealousy of another omega getting closer to her friend. But it was far more from it. It was very serious. 

To brighten up the mood, Viona proposed that they should eat first.

The table had already been prepared and they just had to sit and dig in.

However, that's where another drama began.

"Wow! You have made shrimps. I love shrimp. Viona always knows what I love."

It was a round table made for four. So with the positions they were sitting in, Mark and Viona were facing each other while Helena and Ethan faced each other.

Helena was always spoiled by them and they always did everything for her. So she took advantage of it to take the attention of Viona off Ethan.

"Viona, can you peel the shrimp for me? I just got my nails done today. I am afraid of ruining them."

Mark laughed alone watching the drama. However, what interested him most was Ethan. He had no reaction to Helena acting very close and clingy to Viona. From his point of view,  it felt like Ethan was very confident about Viona being his alpha. It seemed like he would never worry about other omegas getting close to her because she was already his.

He found it kind of attractive. While most of the omegas were annoying just like Helena, Ethan's calm behaviour was what Mark wished from an omega. 

He wanted an omega like Ethan. He gave him a very good first impression. So Mark actually thought Ethan was so much better than Helena who was an eyesore.

Ethan saw Viona had not eaten anything.  She couldn't because she had helped Helena multiple times with different things. Ethan was not a person who eats a lot. He always has less appetite and seeing Mark next to him, it totally ruined his appetite.

So he thought of helping Helena instead of Viona so she could at least have a bite while the food was hot. 

"Shall I do it for you?"

But why was Viona suddenly looking offended by his question?

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