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"R-rus..sia" a dragon cried while walking towards a forest, his wings looked scraped and broken, they were being dragged on the dirt path. The dragon was clutching his bleeding arm tightly while stumbling from side to side a couple of times.

After a few minutes he could smell the familiar scent of fire, and it was close..
He looked behind him and was stunned to see a fire spreading quickly towards him, and this was no ordinary fire.

"Purple flame.." his voice cracked as he said those words, he started to run attempting to get away from the murderous fire that was coming his way he ran but could only do so little. He fell down and curled up in a ball waiting for the fire to consume him...

The smell of the smoke being produced from the fire made him feel dizzy, he started tearing up. He wanted his mate to be here with him, to save him from this, the beginning of death and the start of a new life..

He suddenly felt himself being consumed by the darkness.

× × ×

The male was walking around a forest to get berries for dinner as he was very hungry himself and was waiting for his mate to come back from hunting for meat since they needed to eat meat from time to time. He was worried at first but after seeing his mate come back with two deer he started to gain trust on him.

He felt a pain in the pit of his stomach, he knew that pian so well from when he and his mate were in their early stage of becoming fully developed. He dropped the basket that was in his hands and ran north, his sense guiding him to his mate.

He flew over the trees to get a better look and he saw it...

His sharp vision saw his mate surrounded by deadly fire, he was in the middle of it and seemed like he was passed out the circle he was in was very small and he would soon die.
Russia dove down at fast speeds and just as the fire was about to close up he grabbed his mate and rose up again watching the fire slowly disappeared.

"I swear that thing has a mind of it's own.." the taller dragon mumbled as he looked at his mate, his eyes soften as he saw him, his face was covered in dirt, his winds were scratch and were bleeding his clothes were somewhat torn and ripped exposing some parts that nobody else could see other than him.

He flew to their cave and placed America in a corner covered in leaves and sticks to help stabilize it. He went over to a barrel he had stole from a nearby village he raided. He filled that barrel with water from a running water source coming from deep within the cave.

He grabbed a towel he had also stole. He soaked the towel in the water and squished it to make some water come out. He then carried the barrel and towel over to his mate and started to gently rub the wounds on his wings, he swore to kill whoever sent that fire to him.

As he finished the last wound on his mate's precious body, he then climbed inside the nest and curled up with the injured dragon under him

× × ×

After a few hours the shorter male had awoken, he looked around and smiled when he saw his mate snoring mindlessly while having an arms around his waist and his spikey tail wrapped around his legs. He blushed a bit when he noticed another nest with two eggs inside it.

He walked over and admired them, him and Russia had fooled around one night and one thing came to another, now they were both waiting for the day when their little creatures would hatch.

He looked at the first egg and saw a beautiful patter of stars on it, the other egg had a pattern of dots on it. He climbed inside and wrapped his injured wings and tail around them in a protective motherly way.

He stayed there for a few minutes before he felt a pair of arms around his waist lifting him up fairly easily. He was turned around and met with a pair of lips on his own, he smiled as he saw his mate. He kissed him back and stayed in his arms for a few more minutes. Russia carried America back to the nest and cuddled up with the smaller male spooning him in his arms.

The other dragon tucked his wings in and tried to escape the taller's grasp by wiggling and twisting around, this pissed the other dragon and he bit the others neck causing the cupped dragon to yelp and squirm.

After a few minutes the taller male let go of his neck leaving a perfectly red mark on the other's neck, he smirked to himsled seeing the other dragon bury himself in his chest all red in the face.

The taller dragon held his mate's wings and touched them gently happy to see that they were healing fastly. Dragons have a special trait in which allows them to heal pretty fast.

He heard a cracking sound, him and his mate stood up at the same time and looked at the smaller nest with the eggs in them. They saw a crack in both of them they looked at each other and ran to the eggs, Russia went to get some clothes he saw babies wearing in another village he raided.

He brought them over and sat beside a crying America who saw both heads pop out of the eggs, they looked around and their eyes landed on America, "mama mama!" They chanted fully out of their egg. America knelt closer to them and grabbed the clothes from Russia's hands.

He grabbed both babies and identified one as a girl and the other as a boy, he grabbed a towel and some temperature water he started to clean them from the liquid on their bodies, once he finished cleaning them he put the clothes on them and smiled.

Russia grabbed him and made the same spooning move he did grabbing his new family around him, the kids made noises while America held them in his arms.

"They're beautiful.." he managed to get out, Russia noticed he was still in pain so he took the kids from the dragon's arms and place him on the bigger nest. He let the injured dragon rest while he played with his kids.

He truly loved his life..


Thank you blackholelover
For the story suggestion, I tried really hard on this take in fact that I have to go to a camp tomorrow and it is currently 11:38 and my bags are growing bigger by the minute

Romancus I'm deeply sorry that I couldn't do your story today but I'll try tomorrow, and if you can, please explain how the story you would like should go!

I love you all my dears and goodnight!😘✌️

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