Somewhere Only We Know

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America was walking around a park full of people, he was getting bored, so we decided to take a walk. The noise of birds, crickets, the laughter of children.

The noise the swings made while kids played on them, it was magical. He felt at peace with himself. He would come here with his parents everyday of his childhood.

There were pathways leading to different places in the park. Whether it was a bench or a sandbox.

He knew the pathways like the back of his hand, he kept walking until he spotted a figure sitting under a tree. He let his curiousity guide him. He walked over to the person and sat down next to him.

The person was quiet, like a rivier on a cloudy day. "Hi.." he said trying to make a small talk out of the person.
The person looked up and smiled at him. "Привет" said the person.

America took that as a hello. "What are you doing?" Asked the American looking at the pile of flowers under the boy's legs. "I am makin zee fowerr crrownzz" America smiled at the boy's deep accent.

"What's your name?" He asked yet another question. "Россия" he said, "I'm America" they smiled at each other, it was a sunny day and America needed to get back home soon.

America stood up but couldn't move his leg. He looked down and saw Russia tugging on it not letting go, America soon got the hint and smiled.

"I have to go Russia, I'll see you tomorrow" Russia frowned but nodded. He stood aswell and placed a finished flower crown on his head.

"Prromizz zuo will zee backk" he said, "I promise I will" he said giving Russia a warm smile. "Bye Russia" he said while he ran.

"Пока, Amerrikka!" He yelled aswell, Russia sat back down and continued his project. He was gald he made a new friend and wondered if he would keep the promise.

He picked up 3 flower crowns and walked back to his home.
He was greeted by his father and siblings, they where talking about what they had done today until Russia brought the subject of his new friend up.

"I metz zomeone zotay!" He said, his siblings smiled, they were happy his introverted sibling had a friend. His father smiled at him.

"Vat iz hiz name?" Said his father, "hiz name iz Amerrikka" he said happily. His father smiled somehow knowing that boy was going to change his sons life.

× × ×

The next day America ran out of his house, he ran to the park and walked to the same tree he met his new friend yesterday.

He saw Russia looking around until he spotted America waving at him. Russia smiled as America ran over to the tree they met.

"Good morning Russia!" Exclaimed America once he reached his friend. " Zee goodd morrning to zou azvell" said Russia smiling at the American.

"I was thinking if you'd like to come to a creek with me?" Said America, "vat iz a crrekk?" Said a confused Russian.
"Just follow me its not far from here" said America holding his hand out for the Russian to take.

Russia took it and he let America pull him up, they ran for a few seconds before they reached a river with a tree trunk over it. America looked around and saw a dead looking tree.

He jumped and caught onto a branch, Russia watched amazed as America broke two branches of the tree and grabbed a flat stone, he started to break the little thorns and any other things on the branches.

"Here, do you know what a sword is?" He tossed a branch to Russia who caught it. "I zo acktually" he said examining the branch, "well why dont we fight like them with these?" Said America pointing the branch at Russia, the Russian soon caught on to the act and smiled.

"Brring it on" he said also pointing the branch America had given him. They started to play and soon got tired. "That was fun!" Said America plopping down infront of the river.

"Yezz it vazz" said Russia copying the American, after a few minutes of silence the sky started to get dark. "We should probably head back now" Russia nodded and stood up.

They started walking towards the tree, they said their goodbyes and parted ways.

× × ×

America had gotten home happy as ever, when he opened the door his smile dropped when he saw his mother crying. "What happened..?" He asked once he closed the door.

His mother gasped and ran to him hugging him very tightly. "Mon bébé mon bébé !" She yelled, he was still confused of what was happening. "What is going on?" He asked yet again.

At those words his mother cried harder, his father came up to him and gave him a letter, he too was crying. America hesitantly opened the letter and read it.

His heart dropped, Cancer!? He had cancer, but how?!
He desperately looked at his father for some answers but he wouldn't look at his son.

He started crying and dropped the letter, hugging his mother close. His siblings had already heard the news and were crying aswell. They all tackled America and started crying together.

"How much time do I have..?" He asked his father. "Two weeks.." he stuttered, America took a shaky breath and let a tear drop down from his eye onto his cheek. The first week America felt awful, he had decided on telling Russia even if it might break both their hearts...

× × ×

The next day Russia and America met in their usual spot.
Russia was teaching America some words in Russian before America decided to tell Russia the devastating news.

"Russia...?" He got the Slav to look at him, "I need to tell you something..." America took a deep breath, "Russia do you know what cancer is..?" The Russian slowly nodded.

America looked away, it took a few moments for the Russian to realize what his friend had said, his eyes widen, he started to cry, both boys cried as they hugged each other.

"Vy didn't vou tell zmee zonerr" said Russia in-between sobs. After a few minutes they stopped crying, "how zmany weeks do vou havve?" Said Russia.

"This is my last week here on this planet.." said America looking down, Russia nodded and stood up, "what are you doing?"

America looked at Russia, "follow zmee" said the Slav holding out a hand for America to grab, America took his hand and allowed Russia to lift him up.

"Russ?, Where are we going" said America who was being dragged by the Russian not taking care of his surroundings.

The Russian didn't respond, he only dragged America, they were getting closer to a pond, the place where Russia found the flowers for America's crown.

"Russia where are we going?" Asked America.

"Somewhere Only We Know.."

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