Good 4 U

73 4 2

"Good 4 u.."

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"Hey Russia?" Asked China strolling closer to the Russian who was getting coffee at the machine.

"Vat?" Asked Russia, he was glad to see his friend all cheerful since the last time he saw him.

"There's going to be this big concert, would you like to come?" He asked, "surr, cann I takke Crroattia vit me?" He asked.

Hesitantly, the Chinese nodded, "ven is it going tto be?" Asked Russia, "tonight" said China, "I have already invited your siblings, they agreed" he said, the Russian smiled, for some strange reason Ukraine has been depressed and Canada isn't even talking to her.

"Well I'll see you tonight!" Said China, the Russian waved goodbye, a feeling in his stomach.

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"This is going to be a banger!" Said New Zealand, her accent showing off more as she got exited. "The fact that we haven't taken out a song in a year is going to be much better" said America looking at his phone.

"I mean look!, The public went crazy!" Said Canada looking at the American's phone as well. "Plus, we can let out that rage within ourselves.." said New Zealand as she strum her guitar.

They were Aza, their band name. America was the drummer, while Canada and New Zealand had guitars. New Zealand would be the one that would sing often, Canada was the one that would sing for some sad songs and the second to sing if the other was uncomfortable. America would mostly keep his voice down, never sing at all.

Well, that was gonna change today..

As they set their equipment in their van, Canada noticed the bandages around his brother's arms. His stomach dropped a little, he already knew the whole story but just seeing the marks that he had left just because of somebody was heartbreaking to him...

America noticed this and gave a weak smile, "don't worry, I was stupid back then.." he said putting an arm around the other.

"Are you sure you actually wanna show them?" Asked New Zealand putting the last piece if America's instrument inside the vehicle.

"I'm sure" he said, "fine then, let's go its almost time for us to get there and set up" said New Zealand as she started the car.

× × ×

Russia, his siblings, Norway, Germany and Croatia were waiting outside the Croatian's home. Germany was there for comfort and company for Ukraine who still was devastated over what happened five months ago.

Germany, he felt as though all this was his fault. He should be the one to repair this, the one to comfort the Ukrainian. He had a bag full of candies to try and cheer her up.

They waited for a few moments before hearing the sound of a car pull infront of the house, "abott time" said Croatia, being her usual grumpy self if things were delayed.

"Just get in" said China to the group, they obliged, Ukraine and Germany were in the back along with Norway, Belarus and Croatia were in the middle while China and Russia in the front row.

"Be safe!" Called a voice from outside, a yellow winged country came outside with a newspaper in hand, "will do Kaz!" Said China as he started the van and drove away.

× × ×

"Spider!, You're coming right?" Asked Canada in a low voice so that both his siblings couldn't hear him, "yes I'm in the plane, should be arriving in thirty minutes" said Australia as he smiled at the image of his little sister and brother who were fighting over what was better, sour patches or cookies.

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