ranting 1

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Ok so I am here to rant about Byler(in a good way!)

Ok so yk in the in S4 when El tries to go into Max's mind and succeeds etc etc and then el is fighting vecna?

And then Mike does this whole ass speech about saying how she is his superhero and shit? At first Will, taps Mike on the shoulder and says "Mike, your the heart" or something like that. And then Mike says the whole speech to El.

But what if Will hadn't said your the heart to Mike? Would've Mike still said I love you to El? Istg that's what have been going on in my mind  for the past weeks and maybe months.

I might be wrong but you never know ig🤷

Anyway, sorry for not updating pookies. I have some parts written in my notebook but I am too lazy to write it down:,)

Anyway, see ya babes 😘 xx

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