Vent (?)

19 4 11

TW !!

I hate myself

I hate everything about me

I hate the way I look

I hate the way I cut myself

I hate the way my attempts haven't worked

I hate the way I get fatshamed by my family

I hate the way my friends keep secrets

I hate the way my friends are sucidal and want to kill themselves

I hate the way I'm a girl

I hate the way I get called a lesbian

I hate the way I'm overweight

I hate the way I can't stop eating

I hate the way I look

I hate the way my voice sounds

I hate the way he's dating her

I hate the way my friends are bullied

I hate the way I'm sometimes too agressive

I hate the way I'm too emotional

I hate the way he doesn't like me back

I hate the way I'm useless

I hate the way I'm worthless

I hate the way my friends don't understand me

I hate the way my father left me and my mother when I was three

I hate the way life treats me and my friends

I hate the way I can't  make my parents proud

I hate the way I keep getting caught with my sh

I hate the way I love both of them

I hate the way I can't make my mind up between them two

I hate my mother

I hate my father

I hate my family

I hate myself

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