books pt1

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Hello again!

So, for those who don't check my message board, I am back in my fnaf phase.

But it's stronger 😭

So basically I went to a book shop and to buy books bc I read all of mine millions of times. So(again) I found this murder most unladylike book but then at the corner of my eye I saw a fnaf book..

And I was like holy shit. I'm getting the book. I read the blurb and was fucking confused BC it was like abt Charlie yk alive and shit.

Anyway, I went home, sat on my bed and read. But before I even began to read, I went to Spotify and I put a fnaf playlist.

Jesus Christ. I finished the book at night and then went to bed and Jesus I didn't even get to sleep BC of it. Then finally I did sleep and then woke up at fucking four and I was up since then.

So yah.

The books called the fourth closet.

There's also two other books which I have forgotten the name.

Anyway that's all for now

Bye babes😘✌️

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