party which I js got home to

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Helllooooooo !!!!!!!

OKAY SO I js got back from a party rn and Jesus Christ 😭😭

So I went with my bestie Milo and we met up with my other bsf and her friend. So my crush was going to the party bc he told me he would. And I saw him and I literally slid down so he wouldn't see me. Bestie Milo didn't know I liked him and now they do.

ANYWAY my crush finally noticed me there but didn't say anything. So, I kept looking at him like the obsessed weirdo I am and I. AM. NOT.JOKING.WHEN.I.SAY.HE.CAUGHT.ME.LOOKING.AT.HIM

Seeing he's my friend aswell as my crush, he came over to talk to my other friends who were near me. And after a while I noticed when I was with my friends that he was pointing at me and I heard my name (surprising bc the whole room was so loud Jesus) coming from his mouth and I thought he was talking to his friend abt shifting (making out) me.

But that, sadly, didn't happen. Anyway, they played the 1d song "what makes you beautiful" and I am not joking he was looking at me when he singing it.

So I am confused. Does he like me? Or does he not?

Oh and also today in the morning my friends showed him a text saying I really like him and he doesn't believe it and that he doesn't like me like that.

So what happened tonight? Also he kept hanging around us. Also that once he was trying to talk to me and Milo shoved me and I looked at her and walked away. I thought they were gonna bully me abt him. But what if he wanted to ask to shift(make out) me?

I'm so confused

Anyway, how are y'all??

I'm on midterm break WOO-HOO

Love y'all sm 😘 ✌️ xx

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