appearance+other shit 🤭

52 6 16

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another part of this book abt me.

⚠️ I am not gonna show a picture of me BC I ain't stupid enough to⚠️


So I am basically gonna describe how I look.

I am tall, shortish brown hair, hazel eyes, I am slightly tanned.

Apparently, my eyes were blue at like the age of five then green and then hazel😭😭


I was born in good ould Ireland. But somehow my blood is Hungarian and Irish so yah.

So this makes absolutely no sense. Apparently I have an American accent. I do not know how I do. So like, a few weeks ago, I got on my school bus and we got like a sub bus driver and then the literal moment I opened my mouth to say good morning he was like, "are you from America?"

Like wtf.

Anyway enough said byeeeee✌️✌️

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