im mentally fucked😭

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okay so, again, tysm for 53 followers lv yall sm

anyway, so i have a crush on this guy who sits beside me in irish and music and hes kinda like my guy bsf im not sure tho-

anyway(again), so yesterday i had art first thing and i sat beside my bsf andy actual guy bsf. And my crush sat like across from me and my bsf told me i was so red and that made me even redder-

so after art we had irish, and basically i used to get in trouble every single time we had irish, but this time, i shut my mouth and kept quiet and didnt get in trouble. So the reason i kepr quiet is bc i feared i would turn fully red if i talked to him (his code name is strawberry)

Also strawberry likes my other bsf. So yeah i habe no chances whatsoever

anyway thats all for now

love yall sm xx😘✌️

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