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Someone's calling my name

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Someone's calling my name.

My name was said by Aaron, and he kept speaking, and I finally listened to him. I tried to hesitate, but I couldn't.

"Aaron?" I said to him, grinding and holding a glass in my hand like it was about to slip off like ice on a brick. He sits down with me on a table, and I continue grinning. The drawn-out lights in the room did not bother me or him. But he looked serious as he wore a sleeveless black sweater with a white shirt.

"You had a conversation with someone lately, didn't you?" I asked him.

"I did," he said.

"Want to fight?" I asked him.

"No. Not now," he said to me.

"I'll fight then," I said to him. "But, first, show me your sword, or gun."

Aaron didn't say anything. Slowly accepting my words, he clamped his hand in his pocket and took out one of his weapons—a sword, that looked blunt, but the end was sharp and abrupt. He looked down at it and didn't take out any other weapons. He narrowed his eyes while he looked at me while I still grinned, and I didn't do anything except say a word after that—"Good" was the one word I said, and I left my glass on the table, and I looked at his sword; he shook it in his hand like an alarm clock, and asked me another question.

"Do you have any weapons?" he asked me.

"No," I said sheepishly. I still grin and wish to fight against him. No fighting was that rule when we were indoors.

"Why did you ask me to show my weapon?" Aaron asked me, after taking down his ring from his hand.

"So that it would be wiser to remember it. When we fight," I interject, "it would be easier to know your weapon."

"Weapon? Like some jeopardic game?" Aaron asked me.

"I accept that."

"Accept?" Aaron lifts down his sword. "If so, welcome to battle."

"And you can't hide that I'm here," I told him. "I'm not—"

"That's amusing."

"What?" I asked Aaron as I saw his sword in his hand, dangling like a loose tree branch and his face was the absence of happiness. I nudge my arm across the armchair and stand up.

"I mean, it's not what I'd expect. It's not what—I have in mind, Rika." I told her. "But you'll know when I'll try to—"

"Aaron." I break into his words like everything fell into a heap of silence. The whole room is the absence of noise and I'm waiting for an answer, one that was delivered, just like a floating feather.

"What?" he asked me.

"I can't defy my actions enough." I answered. "But now. I'm trying self-defence."

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