Part 4

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If he had stayed home that night, it would have been better.

Jaekyung's ex"fuck buddy" had managed to drag him to the bar and offer him a drink.
Dan took a Coke, opened it, and stuck a straw in it. While the other continued to talk about himself, Dan let his eyes wandering over the boy.

The club was gradually filling up with flashy people and he - who was wearing a white T-shirt and a gray hoodie - looked like a fish out of water.

 Ever since Jaekyung had entered his life, this feeling of inadequacy returned stronger than before every time, reminding him that he was just a poor boy compared to the world the champion belongs.

He did not notice what happened shortly after. He was pushed forward and almost lost his balance. Someone poured a cold drink on his back, and Dan gasped. A drunk man had lost his balance and risked dropping the glass he was holding. The liquid had landed directly on Dan.

"Damn..." the boy whispered, trying not to attract the attention of the already upset man.
Dan wanted to help him as much as he could to avoid further damage.

Turning back to the man who had offered him a drink, who was showing him a sly smile.

"It's time to go," Dan reached for the can, remembering that there was a straw, maybe he had imagined it, he drank the whole Coke in one go and stood up.

"Oh, wait! I wanted to ask you something else," the man grabbed him by the sleeve of his hoodie and Dan fell back on the stool.
He babbled on for a few more minutes, then Dan's vision began to blur, thoughts overlapping and his interlocutor's voice drifting away.

"Take him to the private room."

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