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As the sun rose and greeted you all, you three had just made it to Caitlyn's mansion of a home.
It was... huge.
And it just so happened to be that her room was all the way up to the third floor.
So you and Caitlyn stayed put, her weight leaning on you as you clutched her arm, whilst Vi climbed up the home to make sure the coast was clear, and to open the window beforehand.

She reached the designated floor after climbing the railings, making it seem like it was the easiest task ever. Her bandaged hands were cautious as they opened the window, turning to you and signaling that it was safe to help her climb up after inspection.
So that you did; you were quick to help the blue haired girl climb with a boost, and soon followed after her as to be there if she accidentally lost her footing. Thankfully, she didn't, and after Vi climbed inside the room, she effortlessly helped Caitlyn enter the interior in one swift motion.

You sighed a little when the hard part was over, allowing Vi to grab ahold of your hand as she too helped you in. Her grip was gentle, far more gentle than when she took ahold of Caitlyn, and she thought you wouldn't notice, but you did. Smiling a little to yourself, you couldn't help but find it funny.
And as you both helped her over to the bed, Vi spoke out.
"Who lives here? Another Councilor friend of yours?" She asked, slightly looking around the room. But before Caitlyn could even reply, a loud slam on the door could be heard and a woman who looked very similar to her appeared, a large and threatening rifle in her grasp.

All of you stood still, eyes wide.
The woman, who you now presumed to be Caitlyn's mother, looked rather startled as she soon realized that it was her daughter who barged into the house, along with two strangers.
"Caitlyn!" Her voice reprimanded as soon as a man with hair the same shade as Cait's appeared alongside her with a visible look of relief on his face when he saw his daughter.
"Oh, we were so worried. Thank goodness you're safe!" He breathed out, rushing to greet her with an embrace as you both let her go.

"And you found some strays." Caitlyn's mother spoke, and all you could do was stare uneasily at the floor.
"This is Vi and Y/n. They're from The Undercity."
Cait shot back, still holding onto her father for support.
"So I see. Could we have a word, Caitlyn? In private."
Both you and Vi stood there awkwardly as she shot a look at her daughter, before Caitlyn and her father agreed and stepped outside, shutting the door rather loudly.

"That went... better than expected. I thought we were gonna get spat at or something." You whispered, turning to look at Vi before laughing a little. She scoffed with a smirk before turning to look at her surroundings.
"Hm, she sure likes flowers." She observed, letting out a whistle as she looked at the endless bouquets that laid pretty much everywhere.
"Maybe it was for an event. Like uh.. a congrats maybe? You know how these fancy people are."
You whispered, smelling one of the roses and beamed a little.
"How pretty."

You quipped, looking around a little before your eyes landed back on Vi, who had a brow raised in a cocky manner.
"Me? I know." She shot back, winking.
"Oh shut up you imp." You grumbled, walking over to the window to see the horizon as the sun continued to try and make its way into sight.
And instead of hearing a sarcastic snide in return, she completely changed topics.
"Y/n, did you have that blood stain before or is it recent?"

You recoiled in confusion, before looking down at your attire and quickly noticing the red splotches that had made their way through the fabric.
"Shit, the stitches opened up. This is the type of stuff that only happens to me, I swear!"
You groaned, quickly sitting on the floor and digging into your pocket for the stray needle pricked into a roll of thread.
Mentally cursing yourself, you acknowledged that this was a major 'I told you so' on Vi and Ekko's part, which made you even more aggravated.
Stupid bullets and their stupid ability to travel incredibly quickly.

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