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You clutched onto Vi's hand as you wandered about on the streets, trying your best to seem composed.
You had on a rather fancy outfit, seemingly passing as a fellow Piltie. You easily looked like you belonged, and only took about a couple of minutes to get ready.

Vi on the other hand, was a little bit more difficult to tame. She complained about how all the outfits looked too feminine, or how she didn't like the colors, or how they looked 'funky'. Despite all her complaining, you had managed to finally find an outfit that suited her and her liking.
Her fiery pink locks of hair were difficult to try and brush, and her bickering didn't help.
So, you just gave up and slapped on a hat.

She grumbled as she walked down the street beside you, fixing the blazer that you had helped put on her.
"Remind me why we're doing this?"
"To live a little, you big grump."
You scoffed, nudging her slightly. She rolled her eyes.
"Sleeping is also 'living a little', you know that?"

Vi stopped retorting when you gave her a side eye.
"We could always go back. I could ask Caitlyn to find me a room and you can go sleep off on your own, if that's what you want." You stated rather casually, enjoying how her expression quickly turned into a shocked one.
"No, no! That's not what I meant.. you know what? Never mind."
You smiled at her answer.
"That's what I thought."
The pink haired girl groaned.
"You're gonna be the death of me."

A little laugh left your lips, before you turned to look around.
The buildings that surrounded you both had an intricate architecture, one that you thought was rather lovely.
"They're such perfectionists. What's wrong with a little crookedness?"
She mumbled, noticing how your eyes lingered onto the buildings the two of you passed.
Funny enough, you didn't know where you were going. You just made sure to remember the path you took so that you'd know how to make your way back to the Kiramman's home.

"I think you don't have to worry about crookedness when you have the money, love."
You quipped, shrugging.
"Psh, who needs money when you know how to steal?"
Your eyes widened, and you immediately elbowed her when a few eyes turned to look your way.
Mustering out a fake laugh, you picked up your pace and dragged her along.
"Violet! Could you have said that any louder?!"
She scoffed.
"Nobody here knows me! It's not like they'll remember this, anyway. They've got rich people things to worry about."

You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"If you say so."
She just obliged as you dragged her along the busy streets of Piltover, neither of you knowing where you two were headed.
"What exactly do you plan on doing? Because in all honesty... I'm kind of hungry,"
She muttered, scratching the back of her neck.
"And we don't have any money."
Your eyes widened when she said that.
That was unfortunately true, so there was a very high chance that neither of you would be able to do something fun without a single coin in your pockets.
Money did buy happiness.

"Fuck." You muttered, rubbing your temples.
Vi smirked, liking the way her question freaked you out.
"We're gonna have to do it your way, I fear."
You mumbled, looking up at her only to see a proud look on her face.
"My way? Oh ho... care to enlighten me? I don't think I understood."
You gritted your teeth.
"We're gonna have to steal."
Vi's brows raised.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I got that. Care to repeat yourself?"
"Shut the hell up! You understood me the first time you cocky woman."

You grumbled, grabbing her arm and dragging her along to the nearest food place.
She could only snicker, getting a huge kick out of bothering you.
My, had she missed this.
"I don't know how we're going to do this. This place isn't exactly... unsafe."
You muttered, looking at several Enforcers posted about the city.
"Don't worry, I got this. Follow me, Cupcake."
She winked at you, before taking the lead and pulling you alongside her.
For somebody who was unenthusiastic of going on this adventure, she sure as hell seemed happy now.

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