Part 2: The Agent

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Andi Brave has not always been a person

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Andi Brave has not always been a person. It was a made-up name, one I chose for myself when I changed my identity from Andreya Bach. Less than a handful of people know about my past, that I have changed my identity, and why and I continue to do my best to keep it that way.

All of my past is kept file under the classified territory of S.H.I.E.L.D once I started working there. But for a little backstory, after I found my way to America, I hid under the radar (though not well enough) because for months I would help prevent crimes with my powers. I wanted to contribute to help save the world. That's when they found me. And though it was like Strucker all over again, the difference was that they gave me a choice. And because of all the media buzz and that New York recently went under an alien attack, I knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. did a lot of work even though it's the Avengers we see. They work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D helps protect our world. So I thought, why not?

But there was a catch.

When I agreed to become an agent, I had to agree to not use my powers. There wasn't exactly an Avenger trainee program that was in the works and there wasn't a necessity for someone else with powers. They only needed me to work for them and keep what I did from the media by staying hidden and how else will I do that besides working as another one of their agents? Though I do get a lot of attention for being the youngest S.H.I.E.L.D recruit. I mean, my powers are always there if I need them and I have to work a lot harder to not lose control. But there's really no point in using them in when we have the Avengers.

I also got to change some of my features as well. Besides my name, I learned how to get rid of my accent. Other than that, I changed simple things like my hair and wardrobe.

So, I made sure Andreya Bach would remain just a memory. That I could put my past behind me and start new with what I was given.

Plus, during training to become an agent, I knew I didn't need them. I became armed with combat skills that allowed me to do things like defuse a bomb in pitch black or when time comes, I could take down six guys twice my size at the same time. I can do so much without my powers, but hey, why not brag. I am also loaded with a firearm like most agents here, but I still prefer my powers to make myself feel safer.

I remind myself that all that I am today is because of Tony Stark and his weapons that caused Sokovia to be destroyed. My home, my life, all wiped away by him. It caused havoc in my country and I wanted to do something to stop it or better yet, to prevent it. Even if it meant to be working around my least favorite person. I could still make a difference behind the scenes as the person I am today.

As for now, I want to forget the person I was and especially all that I went through. The farther I get away from Andreya Bach, the better. Still, my powers won't just let me forget her, another reason why I'm not exactly eager to use them. They grant me with teleportation and the ability to control objects that have matter, basically psychokinesis.

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