Part 9: The Core

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AN: I highly recommend to listen to the song the song No Retreat, No Surrender by Audiomachine while reading and it should be above or on the side.

AN: I highly recommend to listen to the song the song No Retreat, No Surrender by Audiomachine while reading and it should be above or on the side

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Destruction is all I see. My home, Pietro's home, Wanda's home—Sokovia itself is in two. It is all a mess. Our home is dividing into two, half still on earth, and the other half floating in the air—which happens to be the half most of the civilians, the Avengers, and myself are stuck on.

My throat is raw, dry from dehydration. My lungs start heaving from the smoke and dust in the air. My legs buckle as my whole body is already worn out. My eye sockets throb from lack of sleep. Still, I ignore it all. I push forward. Every step in whichever direction I take, I find myself listing to the sound of my boots crunching on pieces of broken rubble, glass, or concrete.

Anger boils up from very deep, deep inside of me. Anger I have been holding back ever since I first started this mission. I don't remember the last time I felt this angry. Maybe when I had to fight against Ultron, against the twins, maybe when I was fighting for my life at my birthday party. Or maybe when I was fighting for my freedom to escape Project Insight.

I know that I have never felt the sudden urge to crush bone—or metal—in my bare hands until I finally had a mental break and tried escaping that place. I have never felt the urge to run, to scream out my lungs ever since I was left to losing my sanity in that cell. But this. . .oh this makes me sick and tired of killing his clones and end this war once for all by killing Ultron myself.

Soon enough, Ultron starts to make a speech that comes from not only from his mouth, but from all of his clones. They all send us the message. "Do you see. . .the beauty of it? The inevitability—you rise. . .only to fall." The whole city is silent, the only sounds made were from Ultron and his arms and the crumble of Sokovia still tearing in half. "You, Avengers, you are like meteor, like swift and terrible sword. The earth will crack with the weight of your failure." I try to tune him out the best I can. "Purge from your computers, turn on my own flesh against me—it means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world. . .will be metal."

Ultron thinks he can explain the reason behind his actions for what he has in mind for our planet. He knows we already don't understand him, but he still tells us his plan as if we will reason with him. He thinks he can explain himself, why he separated half of Sokovia by not destroying it, but having it float in the air. What he thinks his main goal is—is genesis. Ultron thinks it's best to exclude mankind to start over for only him and his clones. But that's downright inhumane. Killing us for his kind is not reasonable.

Unfortunately, for Ultron, I cannot just stand around and watch him decide the fate of our home. I will not let all of this go to destruction. I will continue to do my job. That's when the idea of covering blind spots throughout the battlefield come into mind. I have to try to cover as many as I can for the safety of the other civilians roaming through the city.

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