Part 12: The Connection

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AN: Arctic by Sleeping at Last is on the side or up top. I HIGHLY recommend listening to it as you read. . .maybe again and again because this song is beautiful.

maybe again and again because this song is beautiful

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What has felt like minutes must have been hours. Time has been passing without me knowing due to this state I am in. This state of mind or spirit or whatever it is—it does not allow you tell time. The only way I have been doing so is by watching the previous events that have happened.

Ever since Pietro and Clint took my body to one of the carriers, they were always aware that my body was in safe hands. I was taken to a special place in S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters (given the approval from Fury in person) where my body could be taken care for. In other words—my body was cleaned up. Which meant Pietro and Clint stayed with me—well. . .my corpse.

I could watch all of this from where I stand. All I can do is stand around and watch. I am trapped as an invisible person whom no one can hear. I am isolated. I am alone.

Since I know I could be in a far radius away from my body, I stand alongside Clint and Pietro outside of the room my body is kept in. I sit and watch them struggle with their emotions, struggle with any type of conversation. Clint didn't want to leave Pietro alone, at least from I could tell. Pietro had been distant and quiet ever since he had to let me go. Now that was harder than witnessing the way Pietro was with my body.

His cries, his tears—his sadness in total was not is not be something I want to remember. That is why I had promised myself in this state, that I had to watch over him and stay with him.

While time allowed Pietro to grieve, Clint had to be the one to let everyone and anyone aware of my death to anyone that hadn't already known. Well, that was not much of a list as it only holds the Avengers and another—the one exception. Evelyn.

I stood by her, trying to physically touch her as she bursted into tears from the news. She was allowed to see me but it was over sooner then I knew it after a speech of how proud and sorry she was of what I did, who I am, and my unfortunate end. I wished I could hug her at that moment. It hurt the most when she tried to reach for my hand. There was something in her eyes that showed pain and grief and before she was about to touch my fingers, she refused.

Although, she did give a last gift before she left. Evelyn had brought a dress made from her own two hands just for me. It was a white sleeveless dress that reached down to my ankles. The fabric of my dress was rough at the touch, but os embroider with white lace flowers. She insisted that Pietro should have me wear it, though it didn't take much convincing since all I was wearing was a white sheet. Before I gotten sewed up by the MD, she discarded my clothes. There goes my suit.

Around the time she left, the rest of the team had came to meet Pietro and Clint at the area outside the room I was in. Well, I mean my body. It will take time to get used to saying that.

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