Part 5: The Party

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Somehow, the team bared to allow to throw a birthday party in the Avenger's Tower

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Somehow, the team bared to allow to throw a birthday party in the Avenger's Tower. Even if it was for the newest member turning eighteen. I mean, it's only a birthday, I told them it wouldn't be the worse thing to ignore it—but they insisted. In the end, we all figured that a break from Ultron wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I guess I get it, it'll give us a little break from this war we're now stuck in.

So with a little help from Evelyn (since I'm not one for dressing up) she picked out for me to wear a formal, but simple black dress with matching boots (as if I'll be caught dead in stilettos) though they do have a small heel since it is a party after all. My outfit gave off the lighter tone of brown to my hair and eyes. I let Evelyn do her best to put make-up on me, which ended up highlighting my natural features though the red lips make them pop out even more. She also did a little touch-up to my hair to curl it a little since I argued on leaving it down.

Just as I enter the penthouse, I find myself suffocating with many greetings of 'Happy Birthday's. I respectfully respond with a smile or hug—well, I hug the people I knew. I guess I'm not used to hearing those words yet. Or the fact that after my parents died, I haven't been one to acknowledge my own birthday, or any holiday for that matter.

Once I met Evelyn, she taught me more of the holidays in America and I had gotten used to them. Since we've became close and I it's practically my job to trust her with my life, I made it my own decision to include her as one of the few people who know about my past. Not that S.H.I.E.L.D needs to know that. Anyways, she understands why it's hard for me to celebrate my birthday but she despite that, she goes out of her way to celebrate it for me by giving me a small cupcake with a candle to make a wish.

"Hey, girly," I hear Evelyn say from behind me.

I turn around and greet her in a hug. When I let go, I scan the penthouse one more time to see the large mass of people whose faces I cannot recognize. "There's so many more people here, this looks like a lot you put together."

"I actually didn't do much at all," Evelyn admits, sounding disappointed. "All I brought was the cake."

"Then who invited all of the other people I never met before?"

Evelyn surveys the crowd, searching for someone and her eyes widen when she finds who she was looking for. She points directly in front of us, and who I found at the end of her finger didn't surprise me. "Tony Stark," she answers.

I take note in how amused she sounds.

"Tony Stark," I mutter under my breath. It was obvious enough. He would be the one person to want to throw a party and invite the whole city to fill up the place. I turn to Evelyn with one of my very best fake smiles and tell her, "I'll be right back."

I make my way downstairs and through the crowd quickly enough to catch Tony as he was making his walkthrough around the place. I stretch my arm out and placed a hand on his shoulder so he'd be force to turn around. "Who are all these people!" I practically shout at him, though it was mostly due to the music getting loud as we were by the dance floor.

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