Part 15: The Words

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AN: So I edited this chapter months later because this chapter meant so much to me the little mistakes annoyed me. Thank you for not pressuring me or judging me to fix them (though it's okay to give a heads up). I also changed the song because re-reading the chapter made me feel indifferent about Infinity by Jaymes Young. So I changed the song to Surrender by Natalie Taylor. Please listen to it while reading! Thank you for sticking with me till the end! EnJoy!

 Please listen to it while reading! Thank you for sticking with me till the end! EnJoy!

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I was expecting a reunion. I was expecting something like a hug or a kiss. I was expecting any kind of greeting, but Pietro left me. He rejected me. He left me sanding here alone, pretending I wasn't there at all. He just saw through me. He left me like I left him.

So now I'm standing here, trying to figure out what I should feel. Should I feel sad because I was rejected by the man I have come to love? Should I feel nervous as to why he decided to ignore me? Should I feel angry that he did? All I know is that I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and thrown away. All I know is that I feel like I can't breathe. But I have to make myself manage.

"Andreya?" I hear, ripping me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Wanda walking up to me, worried but, she actually seems a little happy.

I quickly wipe my the tears from my eyes. "Wanda," I whisper, thankful she came up to me, distracting me from my feelings.

"Andi." Wanda keeps to herself, not making any movements to initiate a hug or anything. She searches my eyes, unconvinced that the person standing in front of her could be the little girl whom she grew up with. "You're back," she says, sounding as if she were asking.

I sniff my nose and rub my arms as if I were cold. But I'm just trying overcome the lasting shock after what happened with Pietro. "Yes, I am," I reply, covering my sadness with a smile.

Wanda starts smiling as well, not curious anymore, but she's just happy that I'm back. At least someone's happy that I'm back. Wanda closes her eyes, overwhelmed that I'm here. The next thing I know, she steps up to me and engulfs me in her arms.

And without a moment of hesitation, I hug her back. That's when I truly feel like I'm home.

I cannot put it to words of how much I missed her. I missed talking to Wanda. To joke, gossip, and even fight beside her. I always took pleasure in rewatching my memories of us together in my head while I was gone. I couldn't forget her reaction at the core when I died, that memory amongst the others burned inside my brain. My heart broke because of it. Now, holding her for the first time in months, it is as if that memory finally decided to fade.

I feel tears priming at the corners of my eyes, blurring my vision. I feel her leather jacket and thick hair under my fingertips. After so long, I have her here. If I thought anyone would be mad at me for leaving, it'd be Wanda. But it seems even she can't hold back her feelings like me. I guess it's just one of the many things we have in common.

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