Part 14: The Return

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AN: Here With Me by Susie Suh and Robot Koch is either above or on the side. I also reedited this chapter along with others so it'll be different for most readers. Happy reading!

Every step I take makes the doubt and fear that I've been trying to keep bury inside of me since I arrived at the agency is now rising to the surface

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Every step I take makes the doubt and fear that I've been trying to keep bury inside of me since I arrived at the agency is now rising to the surface. The last thing I need is me questioning my own actions—but it's what I start to do. It took a lot just for me to get out of that house. But I have to. I owe it to myself to be there for the people who've looked out for my back in times of crisis.

It's sad to say that in every direction I turn, looking around for anyone I recognize—it honestly makes me feel a little relieved because I don't see anyone I know. Knowing that I feel that way, it makes me ponder over the different reactions I will receive from my teammates for my return. I can imagine some of them right away, knowing how they match the person, but other people, like the twins, their reactions are harder to guess.

I can keep guessing, but I won't know what they will say or feel until I see them again. Just wait until you get to see them again only to tell them that you won't stay, I think to myself, that you won't be back for good.

I already had to use my powers to get the confidential information that was requested for me to get in order to save the people who were once my team, but now the next step is to face them. This may be the hardest thing I've ever done. Well, dying from fighting a robot army then cheating death because you find out you're not actually dead—I shouldn't exaggerate-

"Andi?" A familiar voice asks from behind, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I freeze.

I stop in my tracks, as if I was caught in the middle of a bad deed. It only takes another second to calm my nerves down once I placed the voice to the person. "I knew I smelled nobility nearby," I say, feeling the muscles in my face work their way to a grin. I continue, "but the scent of rebellion got in the way." I slowly turn around so I can see the face of the person whom the voice belongs to. I shake my head at him, "What have you been up to, Steve?"

The man whom was once my team leader is decked out in an unusual and very unpatriotic outfit instead of wearing what I expected to be his suit. Though his jacket is blue.

He raises a brow in question, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Sad I didn't invite you to the party beforehand?"

"We both know what happened last time we threw a party," I tell him, seeing him crack a smile as we both remember that disaster turn-out of a birthday—one which I still to this day, did not want.

Steve lets out a breathy chuckle before he steps forward, taking his hands out of his pockets and open his arms wide. Was he this buff when I left? It takes a moment before I register that I am engulfed in a hug. A rather awkward one in fact. Steve has me wrapped his arms around my back without my approval, which I prefer personally, making it feel more special that he hadn't. Though, being with an old friend seems something I should find familiar feels strange.

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