Chapter 5

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"How do you plan on paying back all the wasted food and ingredients," says Mr. Hiller with cake all on him. I tried my best to hold back my laughter. "I'm sorry Mr. Hiller, it's all Keith's fault! I believe he should be the one to pay for it," I said looking bitterly his way. Mrs Whither; the principal looks at me with shame, "And how is it Mr. Young's fault?"

"Referring to my mentally ill twin brother Robby," I said looking down sheepish.

"Is this right Mr. Young," she said looking at him in shock. He shrugs his shoulder. "Answer Mr.Young." She said with more bass in her voice.

"Yes, that was after she smashed the cake in my face."

"Well is this right Ms. Russell?"

"Yes, it is but-," she cut me off with the raise of her hand. She fills out some papers that were on her desk.

"I need you two to sign at the bottom. This is to inform your parents that you two will both be attending mandatory community service to help with the cost of the Culinary Arts department," she said placing a piece of paper in front of both of us.

"What!," we both said standing up mad.

"Mrs. Whither how is this justified that I'm defending my brother and still get punished," I yelled. She calmly answers, "You can't go around taking matters into your own hands. Throwing a cake in his face wasn't appropriate or tolerable. Mr. Young talking about a mentally ill child is just as bad a cake to the face. Words are powerful." I sit down and sign the paper. "You two will be doing it all winter break long."

"All winter break can this get any worse? I didn't want to spend my break like this, " I said slumping in my chair.

"I'm sorry. Poor choices lead to consequences," she informed us while handing us the papers to hand to our parents. I walk out of her office to the cafe since lunch was about to begin. I take out my phone and see if Stepphano texted. He did. I felt bad telling him I just signed myself up for winter break prison camp. Minus the break part.  My love I can't wait to have you close in my arms this break. Take you somewhere from my sister if you don't mind. Love you 💙 J+S 💙- Stepphano.  I felt bad that I couldn't spend the break with him. That's probably the worse thing about him being far. The bell rings, and people slowly start to show up. I sit at the table and wait for Tracy so we can eat and get my backpack from the Culinary Arts room. I see people walking by pointing. I think to myself. Who was the genius that recorded the food fight, and what part of it?

"Juliette you go, girl!"

"About time someone put him in check," said another. I just slowly start to smile and realize even though I signed away my break I did the right thing. Robby comes running up to me all excited. "Jul, I learn bout bugs." I smiled at Robby and squinted my eyes, "Eww that sounds cool," I smiled. "What's your favorite bug?"

Robby thinks for a minute and Tracy arrived. She gives him a hug. He smiles and says, "You pretty."

"Thank you, Robby. You're so nice." She misses his cheek and he blushes.

"Robby," Says Titdo "We eat and be strong." Robby gives us both a hug and goes get lunch just like Tracy and I.

"Girl I saw you whoop Keith's ass! Well, bakers edition," she said elbowing me. We get our food and sit down to eat. We chat about how her break was going to go and I brought out the papers Mrs. Wither gave me. "Damn, that sucks your break is gone before it even came."

"Tell me about it. I can't see Stepphano. Not to mention my parents are going to flip."

"Let's go get your backpack and go home." Thankfully today was a short day. I walked into the Culinary Arts room and there's cake was still on the floor. "Just coming to get my backpack that is all," I said to Mr. Hiller who was wiping down the counters. He looked at me and hands me the rag. "No, you can stay and clean as the start of your punishment."

"What that's not fair I was looking to go home early!" I said disappointed.

"Welcome to the club. I advise you to start now if you want to leave by 1." I look at the clock its 12:08.

"I'd stay but I have to go to work girl," Tracy states giving me a hug.

"Bye, girl," I said grabbing gloves. As soon as she walks out I hear Robby walk in. "Come on, Jul. Time go home."

"Sorry, Robby but I have to stay and clean," I said picking up the cake. "Go home and tell mom I'll be there soon."

"No, I help you, Jul," Robby said grabbing the cake.

"Thanks, Robby," I said putting frosting on his nose. Mr Hiller kicks back his legs on his desk and reads the paper. Robby and I have fun cleaning up the mess.

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