Chapter 19

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Thank you, God, for waking me up again. I have another walking training. Who knew that training could be so hard. Stepphano comes every so often to help. I have this walker to help me improve.

"Juliette it's time for your daily walk," said Lisa the specialist. Mother and Father spent all their money searching for a Christian specialist. That will not only give me faith but also help me walk again. Libby started a fundraiser with her friends to raise money for me. "How are you," said Lisa.

"I'm doing better. I feel this burning pain when I try to walk or move it. I keep doing it because I can feel my legs and love the feeling I have in my legs." She helps me up and onto my walker. I try to lift my leg, but moving it in a sliding motion is complex. "I can't do it!" 

"Yes you can, Juliette. The Lord will help you don't give up now."

Dear Diary I hate this! I yelled out like someone was supposed to write it down. 

Each day Lisa pushed me more and more. I began to slowly hate her and how much she expected from me. 

"Juliette, you've come to prove me wrong.  You are able to walk again. You don't have to come back here anymore. Go home and enjoy life with your family now," says Dr Drock. When I heard the great news I began to cry and think of all the progress I had made. I call my mom to come to get me. She was excited that I finally was done with therapy. It was going to be a new year's blessing. Not to mention graduation was around the corner.

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