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" Hi " - Japanese

" Hi " - English

Wow,So the next few days was very-uhh interesting you can say for the least!

Muzan is actually nice when he was a human,damn the anime did dirty with his backstory.Even tho he has a disease,he is still kicking and walking until today

But it is quite weird since he is 19 years old,is'nt that when he wil turn into the first demon?You thought it's strange-

You learned japanese quite fast I mean now you know how to speak Japanese !! Even curse words, which Muzan told the teacher not to teach you those-but you bribed him with money..ehehewehwe (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

Calm breeze,the small waterfall installed in the middle of the pond can be heard with birds chirping.

What a lovely day...to make chaos😍

Two figures,In a room with multiple bookshelves can be seen Arguing with each other

The shorter figure can be identified as a woman with (h/c) hair,(s/c) skin,and (e/c) eyes,Yes that is you reader.The other hand the Taller figure can be identified as a man with Black hair and deep forest green eyes,his skin being tanned

You huffed "THIS ISNT FAIR YOSHIOOO" The man named Yoshio rolls his eyes " C'mon Y/N this assignment isn't THAT HARD" He snarled

You make a scowl "I have trust issues!!" His jaw drops "AND THATS SO RANDOM-" He crosses his arms

Your eyes clearly blazed with annoyance you bit your lip,and scrunched up your face "YOU"RE TOO AWFUL FOR THIS WORLD" You barked at his Face once again

Yoshio sighs and picks up the Text book placed up the table infront of you,he then holds the book firmly and turns his whole body around to you.

Yoshio forced a smile,while a muscle in his jaw clenches "Pls Miss Y/N,Muzan-sama will be enraged once he hears you did not take your Japanese classes" He shoves the book at your stomach,the outcome being you almost lost balance and grips the book

After regaining your balance you glared at Yoshio "Hey this AINT FAIR.." He then sarcastically widens his eyes and nods "WELL I DONT GET PAYED WELL FOR THIS" He shouts with clenched teeth,You give him a dirty look "Don't get payed well PFFT YOU GOTTA BE INSANE,HE PAYS YOU 300,000 YEN?!?!" You stuck out your tongue in a teasing way.


Enough with this shit you walk out of the room not before giving his shoulder a bumb against your shoulder,you quickly open the sliding door and stomps away leaving your teacher behind.

Muttering curse words until you. shout "FUCK FACE,DICK HEAD" He gasps "I HEARD THAT Y/N." He shouts back offended,and suprised

You flash him a middle finger before turning around to another hallway as you pass maids who heard the conversation,was trying to ignore you by lowering their heads

The 20-year old man,now alone glances down the floor and a smile crepts on his lips "How..Different...I like it.." He mumbles under his breath before entering the room once again to pick up the papers and some things.

Stomping to anywhere around you happen to bump into a woman,Muttering a apology she rolls her eyes and just went to her way

"What a bitchy hoe" You muttered,she doesn't look like a maid here?Maybe she is new??You didn't even notice her here,she had Wavy brown hair and brown eyes,like a npc-LMFAOO

"Hmph,I'll just question Muzan about her I guess" Damn even your thoughts are becoming Japanese.


So..Muzan invited you for tea inside his chambers,its basically awkward AGAIN. You stir your tea before taking a drink of it

"How are your studies Y/N?" Muzan cuts the awkward silence as he questions you about your classes with your Bastard of a tutor,you lift your head up revealing your beautiful face once again

Muzan feels warmness and butterflies as he studies your beautifully exotic face.

"It's okay Muzan,nothing much" You had to lie and pray to the gods the maids did'nt reveal anything to Muzan about what happened or you would be dead meat

He smiles while nodding "I see..your Japanese has improved over a week,I am truly impressed" You swallow your saliva,damn bro knows how to rizz up women fr 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🔥🔥
You clear your throat "Uhm,thank you for the compliment." Not knowing what to say.

He notice your playing-hard-to-get attitude,making him chuckle "Alright,anything else?" You straigtened your posture and takes a sip of tea "Ah,Is there a new maid here?" You question about that bitchy
Ass hoe that rolled her eyes when YOU EVEN GAVE HER A APOLOGY ?!?

"Hm?" He glances over you "She had wavy brown hair and brown eyes" You fidget with your fingers "Why did you ask tho?Is there any problem with her..?" He glances back at his cup of tea as his yes darkens,which doesnt go unnoticed by you

He then places his hands untop the coffee table and puts on a smile,but doesnt hides his menacing and dark aura. "Ah shit don't tell me He already became a demon." By that thought you glance at his back to confirm your suspicions,But you see his doctor still alive. You silently praise the lord and thanked the lord for your luckyness.

"Y/N?" He calls out your name interrupting your praisings "Uh,nah she is'nt bothering me or such" You gasp and balled your left fist "Pardon me for my unlady words" You dipped your head as a sign of an apology

He then leans to you but stops to give both of you a fair distance and lifts up your head by holding your chin "No need to apologize Y/N,this proves you are getting better every day." He kneels back down.

Trying to hide your flustered face you put on a closed-eye smile while a sweatdrop appears on your forehead
"Nah,Azzy or Kai would be creaming if they were in my place right now" Ifykyk..ehehe

Taking a final sip of your tea you placed your hands on you lap "May I take my leave Muzan?" He puts down his cup as he still has his smile plastered "You may Y/N,remember you can always visit me,always"

Alright..that last word sounded creepy,probably misheard it,Nodding you stand up from your seat you bows before exiting the room.

Muzan coughs lightly as he eyes his doctor and then to the garden with a monotone facial expression he then says this "I wonder why does Y/N act so differently towards that teacher of hers..I must watch and observe her more.." He then glared at the tea cup and wipes off something off his cheek using his sleeve.


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