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" Hi " - Japanese

" Hi " - English

Y/N was already expecting she would face heaven,otherwise instead of feeling a sense of softness, she felt the scent of plants and grass surrounding her nose. She sniffed the air unconsciously and her eyes darts open while she jolts up in realization

"I-I..am not dead..?" Her suprised facial expression hardened, without realizing tears started dropping from her eyes. She didn't expect it..she was still alive!!?? Although the hit was strong as she recalled,she still survived!

E-except,where is she? Goodness,this is all too hard to think about, Y/N notices her bag is still with her and swiftly grabbed it and placed it on her lap,she rummaged through her bag until she found a apple that she stole from the kitchen back in Muzan's home,Speaking of Muzan

Where is Muzan??She is surely they would find her in a second,his family does have multiple connections with wealthy people. Oh, she completely forgot his parents are deceased,due to the occurrence

Forgetting the tears still on her face,she wiped them off,while she chewed a bite of the apple, finishing the apple her eyes began to observe her body first,incase of any unnoticeable or noticeable injuries,she can atleast patch all of them up

Y/N gasped with her mouth in a gape,finding her clothes to be different. Did somebody changed her clothes?!? Her eyes studies the new clothes that is on her, It seems it is clearly modern, perhaps 2023 times. HUH?!

How!!!? She then starts to look at her bag for any hint,or clue on how did the clothing she is wearing is modern?! A piece of paper falls down landing on the ground,she picks it up suspiciously and reads the words that is written on to it:

N/N,I hope your clothes are comfortable for this chilly weather. Btw you are in the Taisho era,everything might seem unbelievable now,but I will appear when times is right. Anyways the clothes you are wearing are your favorite ones, I hope it cheers you up

-- Yumi

"F-FUCKING SHIT!! Yumi,how in the world did she get in this situation?!" You shamelessly cursed out loud,making the poor animals hide in shock from the sudden voice

You pause,recalling the night a portal just randomly spawn infront of you and Yumi,gosh It was terrible,UNTIL NOW

You recalled that you blacked out,but never saw to what actually happened to Yumi, But- How did she know that the timeline I'm in is in the taisho era?!?

All of this is so confusing,yes you may have a cracked up and crazy humor,but this is TOO new. Sighing in frustration,you accidentally crushed the paper due to the stress,which you fastly fixed it up with a sweatdrop

Finding a new goal once again,Y/N looks at the skies,that is covered by trees,with determination flooding in her eyes, she slids the paper inside her bag and slings the bag over her shoulder

Y/N begins to stand up,her legs trembling while the tries to properly do so, you roll you eyes and lightly punched your trembling legs

Which surprisingly helped,you continue on your journey with a hopeful smile in hopes of finding Yumi,reuniting with her and then finding a way to get out of this place

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"Good Morning !" Y/N greeted a woman standing behind the counter,with a sweet smile. She looked around her 40's,the woman bows while greeting You,which you found lighthearted

You see,while walking through the woods you found a good-looking ramen shop,despite the
weird stares Y/N receives. You still take a look inside the shop, finding a seat at a decent spot, you decided to sit on it

You put a hair stand back, and starts admiring the people walking in the sun,smiling and laughing,while conversing with other people through their work,or just really talking with them

Slightly frowning,You wondered. How can demons kill a innocent human just to satisfy their own hunger?? Why would not the demons just kill a random criminal,and eat them?

"Good morning madam,what would you like to order?" A male voice asks, Y/N snaps and looks at the waiter, she gives out a slight smile and nods

A flush crepted into the man's cheeks and sweatdrops,he takes a note pad and starts waiting for Y/N's order

"I would like to order a (f/r) = fav ramen and with (f/t) = fav toppings" You stated while taking a note to the unknown boy's features

He has navy blue hair, and rather long hair length,which ends with his chest, his form is slight muscular but skinny and pink lips,lastly tanned skin. He also has yellow eyes, that is extremely ethereal looking.

"Is that all madam?" The man questions,Y/N replies "Yes that is all" She then quietly begins to observe the handsome looking boy,It may seem very creepy, but you cannot help it, you never seen such a man in your life

Many anime's doesn't tend to feature tanned men, BUT HOLY COW. This man is different,you begin to feel like it is not fair, the unknown man should be a character in the show, even a side-character. Already aware how would anime simps would make him blow up with those toe-curling,jaw dropping edits--

Noticing you own thoughts becoming sexual, you shake your head making you turn back to reality.

The same man walks towards you,with Y/N's order in his hands, he places your order infront of you. As he was going to leave you stop him

"U-uhm,yes madam?" He stares at you in confusion,embarrassment took over your face as you apologized" Oh-- I am so sorry about that, I was just really curious about you!" You explained,hoping to fix the awkward situation, He takes his hand and chuckles "Ah, I see. But may I ask why?" He asked as his face contorted into a friendly manner

Y/N's mouth curves up into a smile, welp that wasn't so hard. Even though it is weird that he didn't find you a creep or anything-- She replies while her lashes fluttered "It is for the reason I am a traveler,and if I can admit. I really need help finding a hotel..." You explained,hey! Atleast you can converse with a non existent character in the anime, than rather with the featured one's

"UH! If you're busy, it's okay- I'll go and find another-- " You unexpectedly blurted out,since his facial expression is looking like he is thinking about something. He then replies "It's okay! No problem,I can help you" The handsome man smiles,making you surprised

Well,damn never knew you would interact with a greek-god like man

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