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Later that day – 7:42 PM

Naruto stood outside a familiar door and rapped his knuckles on the wood as lightly as he could while still being loud enough to make his presence known. A very sleepy Biwako Yūhi stirred at the unwelcome sound and buried her face into Naruto's shoulder where she had been snoozing the entire walk back to the apartment.

Almost immediately a woman with long purple hair, chocolate eyes and reddish-purple lipstick answered the door. When she saw who it was, and who was happily napping on his shoulder she smirked and slipped out the door.

"Kurenai, your hubby is back with Bī-chan." She called back inside and winked at a yet again embarrassed Naruto before saying her goodbyes and taking her leave.

The crimson-eyed woman rounded the corner and saw a tall blond man, still in his jōnin gear, standing outside the door with a small child, she blinked a few times at the sight.

"Naruto-kun? What are you doing here? Wasn't Shizune-san babysitting today?"

"You handed her to me when you stormed off earlier." He whispered so as to not disturb the girl on his shoulder.

"Oh, sorry." She said flatly. Naruto just chuckled at her brief moment of air-headedness. Kurenai motioned for him to come inside and moved to take her daughter back, to which the child protested by attaching herself to Naruto's haori causing Kurenai to sigh in defeat while Naruto smiled at the scene.

Kurenai led the way to Biwako's room where Naruto patiently dislodged the child from his person and tucked her in, giving her cheek a goodnight peck with his lips, to which she responded by smiling and snoring cutely.

Kurenai was leant against the door frame in her night clothes, which consisted of a large plain white wife beater, which he assumed to have once belonged to Asuma due to it's size, and a pair of navy blue men's boxer shorts. Naruto couldn't help at marvel how the top showed off a small bit of cleavage and, very slightly, the sides of her ample bust.

"You're a natural, Naruto-kun. You'll make a great father some day." The raven-haired woman complimented in a whisper after they had both exited the room and pulled the door shut. Naruto simply looked away with a light flush on his face.

"What have you two been doing all day?" She asked while the two of them made their way back to the living room.

Naruto looked thoughtful as he recalled the day's events, "We had lunch at Ichiraku's, we went to the park, we even talked for a little."

Kurenai couldn't help but smile warmly at well the two seemed to get along.

"Sounds like you two really hit it off." She said sincerely.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Yeah, and after you left she told me how much she wanted to be a ninja, like you and Shizune-nēchan and myself, so I showed her a few taijutsu moves."

The crimson-eyed woman set the tea tray she had carried back from the kitchen down rather harshly on the coffee table.

"You did what?" She questioned incredulously.

"It was nothing fancy, just some of the basic forms they teach to first-year academy students." Naruto defended.

Kurenai scowled, "You had no right to do that, she'll never be a kunoichi."

"But Kurenai-chan, she's a natural, I only had to show her the moves once or twice and she got them almost perfectly." Naruto said while pouring himself some tea.

"Don't question me, Naruto. You never had parents to do what was best for you, you always just did what you felt like as a child. Biwako is not going to become a shinobi." Kurenai continued berating her blond companion.

Naruto's expression hardened in an instant as he set the cup of tea back on the tray. Kurenai winced when she realized her mistake, she turned the tongue-lashing to herself and mentally scolded herself for saying something so insensitive to Naruto, especially when she knew full well of his parents.

"Thank you for the tea, Kurenai-sensei. I'm not feeling well, I should go home and get some rest." He said coldly.

Just when Naruto stood from his position on the sofa, a hand shot out to grab onto his own when he began walking away.

"Naruto wait, I'm... I'm sorry. I was out of line." Kurenai said.

"Yeah, you were." The Hokage-wannabe replied, his tone still icy.

Kurenai clasped her other hand over Naruto's effectively sandwiching his hand and squeezed slightly.

"I really am sorry... It's just that I'm scared... Bī-chan is all I have left after Asuma was killed by that Akatsuki bastard, if she got killed on a mission I-I don't know what I'd do..." Kurenai whispered softly.

Naruto forcibly freed his hand, causing Kurenai's eyes to mist up in fear that she'd drove Naruto away with one stupid remark when he grabbed Kurenai's hand and held it in his own, gently playing with her fingers.

"It's okay, Kurenai-chan." Naruto said, although his tone was anything but reassuring as he still sounded a bit down.

For the next several minutes the pair just sat in a semi-comfortable silence, hand-in-hand. Naruto decided to broach a subject that had been on his mind all day.



"W-What do you think of me?" Naruto asked somewhat uneasily.

Kurenai pondered his meaning momentarily and decided there's only one thing that he could mean.

"Is this about last night?" She asked. Naruto simply nodded in the affirmative.

"Let me ask you a question first." Kurenai said. Naruto looked wary for a moment but ultimately agreed.

"What do you think of me?" She asked seriously.

Naruto frowned at having his questioned flipped back on him, but he answered anyway.

"I really like you, Kurenai-chan." Naruto said shyly, "Back in the academy, when the teams were first assigned I remember thinking you were really pretty. I even asked Kakashi-sensei if I could trade places with Kiba, Shino or Hinata. I had the biggest crush on you up until I left to go on the training trip with Ero-sennin."

Kurenai giggled at his nickname for Jiraiya and his shy admission to his crush.

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