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Unfortunately the mood was quickly spoiled when a certain pink-haired kunoichi stalked up to the couple.

"I see you found someone else to throw yourself at, Naruto." Sakura practically spat his name as though it left a foul taste on her tongue.

Naruto scowled, leave it to Sakura Haruno to ruin his day, "At least I know how to move on, Sakura. You're still too obsessed with the traitor for your own good."

"I bet she just feels sorry for you, nobody would actually want to be with the Kyūbi." She sneered.

Naruto could feel Kurama growl in the back of his mind in addition to his own blood starting to boil. If Sakura didn't shut up soon he would lose his cool in the middle of Konoha, and it wouldn't be pretty. Naruto was about to retort when someone unexpected came to his defence.

"You leave my tōchan alone, you big meanie!" Bī declared sternly, with an adorable scowl of her own.

"'Tōchan'?" Sakura scoffed, "Why would you defend someone like Naruto? He's nothing compared to Sas-"

Sakura's insult was cut short mid-syllable by the sharp crack of flesh colliding with flesh as Kurenai slapped Sakura across the face.

Naruto stood wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the scene; Sakura's head was cocked to the side and had a rapidly reddening cheek and Kurenai's tensed hand hovered in mid air for a few seconds longer before she gently brought it back down to her side.

"That's enough, Haruno. Uchiha isn't now, never was, and never will be half the man Naruto is, he's the kindest, gentlest, most loving and most loyal man I know. Any girl in Konoha would be lucky to have him. That could have been you if you'd have pulled your head out of the clouds and stopped obsessing over Sasuke for long enough to take notice of other people. Sasuke Uchiha is nothing but a lowly traitor who would willingly turn on his comrades if it's what best suited him. You should be ashamed to even call yourself a Leaf kunoichi for even defending him, let alone insulting and belittling your comrade, your own team mate that's had your back through everything even at the cost of his own happiness." She scolded, taking in a deep breath after her rant and punctuating it with a steely gaze.

Naruto smiled at the dark-haired woman before him and felt a knot forming in his throat, nobody had ever stood up for him like that before, certainly not against the almighty Uchiha.

Sakura merely gave both Kurenai and Naruto derisive looks and brushed past the raven-haired woman with her nose in the air, being sure to bump her shoulder a bit harshly. Naruto scowled at her retreating back and muttered something unintelligible under his breath.

Naruto took a step forward, prepared to completely tear Sakura down for her attitude but was stopped in his tracks by a warm hand gently holding his own.

"Don't let her get to you, Naruto," Kurenai said, clearly unperturbed by the pinkette's behaviour, "Why don't we go spar for a while? We've been working on your genjutsu non-stop for weeks. We could both use a little workout on our taijutsu. And I'm sure it would help you blow off some steam."

Naruto simple answered with a concerned look.

"Don't be so full of yourself, Uzumaki. I can handle anything you can throw at me." Kurenai said with a chuckle, seemingly reading the blond's mind.

Naruto's eyes flicked to Bī then back to Kurenai.

"What about-"

"She'll be fine, maybe Bī-chan can even learn a thing or two from watching us." Kurenai interrupted with a smile.

"Does that mean you changed your mind about letting her become a shinobi?" Naruto asked, curious about the new change in attitude all of the sudden.

Kurenai nodded, "Yeah. I thought a lot about it while you were sick, Naruto. With Sarutobi blood and you as a sensei I'm sure she'll be one of the best kunoichi Konoha has ever seen."

Naruto crinkled his nose in confusion, "But I'm supposed to be the sensei for the new Team 7 that will be graduating from the academy in a few years."

"I'm sure you could get Lady Tsunade to pull a few strings," Kurenai said with a wink.

Naruto grinned widely before dropping into a squat so he was face-to-face with Biwako.

"Hey, you know where training ground three is, right?"

The little girl nodded excitedly.

"Race ya!" He said, springing back into a standing position and tossing Kurenai a quick glance, she noted the playful glint in his cerulean eyes.

All three of them took off down the street heading to the training ground, Naruto and Kurenai making sure to hold themselves back so Bī could keep up, one of them occasionally pulling ahead slightly to raise the stakes.

Kurenai was hunched over, legs bent slightly with her hands resting on her knees, breathing heavily from sparring with Naruto for the past several hours. Much to her dismay, the blond wasn't even out of breath.

"That... all you... got...?" Kurenai huffed between breaths.

Naruto chuckled good-naturedly.

"I'm just getting warmed up." He said with a cocky grin.

The dark-haired jōnin just grimaced, but it quickly morphed into a smirk as a flick of her wrist sent two shuriken hurtling towards her blond boyfriend.

Naruto's eyes widened only slightly at the surprise attack, but quickly analyzed is options. One shuriken was off course a little thanks to a small, sudden gust of wind, it would miss by a few inches.

The other was headed straight for him, he could dodge it but he noted the shift in Kurenai's stance, he'd be leaving himself wide open for physical attacks.

Naruto fished out a kunai from his leg holster and sent it flying to knock the shuriken out of the air. Just then a small gust of wind whipped through the field again altering the course of the projectiles slightly.

The kunai only just grazed the shuriken, causing them both to thrown off only by a few centimetres, the shuriken would most likely still cause a decent sized gash on his right arm unless he sidestepped.

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