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The kunai only just grazed the shuriken, causing them both to thrown off only by a few centimetres, the shuriken would most likely still cause a decent sized gash on his right arm unless he sidestepped. But Naruto didn't quite care where the shuriken was headed at the moment, for the kunai was headed straight for Biwako Yūhi's back.

Kurenai looked at Naruto for a brief instant, wondering why he suddenly seemed so distracted when a rather sharp weapon was flying right at him, then her eyes widened impossibly as she tracked the path of his kunai. Kurenai went to make a move but stopped cold when a yellow blur easily breezed past her at mind-bending speeds.

Bī sat puzzled as she felt a new warmth on her back, and because the acorn she had been playing with suddenly sprouted small tendrils that took root in the soil and grew into a tiny oak sapling less than a foot tall in mere seconds.

Naruto let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as his right hand firmly gripped the hilt of the kunai mere inches from Bī's spine. At that moment the young girl turned around and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw Naruto crouching there, clad in a yellow cloak made of pure chakra that flickered off his body, reminiscent of the small, sedate flame of a candle. Naruto dropped Tailed Beast Mode a few breaths later, thankful Kurama had been so compliant in letting him borrow some power, there's no way Naruto would have been able to move fast enough on his own to catch the weapon before any harm was done.

Kurenai ran up behind Naruto, nearly having a panic attack.

"Bī-chan! Are you okay?!" She asked frantically, scooping her daughter off the ground and into her arms in the blink of an eye.

Bī simply nodded dismissively while turning her attention to Naruto.

"That was so cool, Tōchan! How did you do that? Do it again!" She rambled as the last of the yellow chakra evaporated into the air.

Naruto shook his head with a small smile.

"I'll tell you how when you're older. For now why don't we get some lunch? My treat." He said, flashing his famous grin.

"I'm not-!"

Any protest Bī was going to give was quickly shot down by her own stomach, growling slightly in demand for some food.

Kurenai and Naruto chuckled as the headed off to Ichiraku's to get some lunch before doing something a little more fun for Bī for the rest of the afternoon.

Later that day – 8:39 PM

Naruto and Kurenai sat under a tree at the edge of the forest surrounding training ground three, Naruto had his back leant against the trunk while sitting Indian-style, Kurenai was comfortably seated in his lap, leaning back into his chest easily.

They'd been sitting there for a few hours, Naruto's rear had since lost all feeling and his legs were starting to ache a bit, but he didn't much care, he was just enjoying sitting under the stars on a clear night with his girlfriend.

They'd come out shortly after dinner when Yūgao had showed up to watch Bī, who barely made it through the meal before fatigue caught up with her and she fell asleep hunched over the table after clearing her plate.

The purple-haired ANBU also gave Naruto the usual sly grin when she walked past him as he'd been the one to answer the door.

Kurenai was momentarily surprised as Naruto's arms wrapped around her waist from behind, almost nervously, she noted.

She responded by snuggling back into Naruto's chest a bit more and moving her own hands to capture his, intertwining their fingers.

As far as she was concerned today had been a perfect day. She spent the entire day with her daughter and Naruto, and all three of them had a blast, as Bī and her blond surrogate father seemed to get even closer.

And to top it all off she'd just sat in peaceful silence watching the sunset first, and now watching the stars twinkle in the arms of a man she'd never thought she'd have fallen for. At that thought, Kurenai's breath hitched and her heart rate sped up several paces.

There it was, she'd fallen for Naruto. A loud, hyperactive, knuckle-head.

The dead-last of the academy, but one of the ten greatest shinobi The Village Hidden in the Leaves had ever produced.

The jinchūriki of Kurama, the nine-tailed demon fox. Son of Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. Future Sixth Hokage.

Kurenai-chan? Are you okay?" Naruto whispered, his breath tickling the back of her neck. Kurenai jumped slightly, obviously started by Naruto's voice breaking her thoughts, thoughts of him no less.

"I'm perfect, Naruto." She said, smiling and gazing into the sky right when a comet streaked by, leaving a brilliant sparkling trail in it's wake.

Several minutes of comfortable silence passed as they just continued to sit there, broken only by Kurenai, whose mouth seemed to move before she even had time to think about it.

"Hey, Naruto-kun?" She said in quiet yet relaxed voice.

"Yeah?" Naruto whispered back.

"I love you."

As soon as the words left her mouth she felt her heart rate rise, and she couldn't help but be a little nervous when Naruto tensed up, and stayed silent for several moments, which seemed like several hours, then he relaxed and broke the silence.

"I love you too, Kurenai." He whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her skin once again, punctuating his declaration by tightening the hold on his lover's waist ever so slightly, but enough that she'd notice easily while resting his chin on her right shoulder.

Kurenai turned her head to the side slightly to try and look Naruto in the eyes, but failed miserably and huffed in annoyance. Naruto chuckled slightly and slackened his hold on the crimson-eyed woman's waist to allow her to pivot towards the blond. As Kurenai positioned herself sideways on Naruto's lap and tried to look him in the eyes once more, her lips were captured by Naruto's without warning.

Kurenai grinned into Naruto's mouth as she responded to his advances by deepening the kiss and wrapping her arms around Naruto's neck, Naruto placed his right hand on Kurenai's back, allowing her to lean back into his support while his left hand rested on her hip.

After briefly separating for air, Kurenai crashed her lips back into Naruto's daring to lick his upper lip lightly, to which Naruto responded by slipping his own tongue in her mouth while laying them both back onto the soft grass, Naruto on his back with Kurenai on top of him. The kiss was clumsy on Naruto's end due to his lack of experience, but Kurenai would look forward to teaching him.

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