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Several days later – 9:29 AM

Naruto stood in the Hokage's office with a scowl on his face as he was engaged in one of his usual arguments with Tsunade.

"I'm not giving you an S-rank mission, Naruto." The blond Hokage said while massaging her temples.

"Why not?" He whined, "I can handle it no problem!"

A vein on Tsunade's forehead became more pronounced as her anger rose.

"You're only a Tokubetsu Jōnin, you should be grateful I even allow you to go on A-rank missions."

Naruto muttered something about stingy old hags under his breath. Unfortunately for Naruto, Tsunade's hearing was better than he would have guessed.

"What did you say, brat?" She said while slamming both palms down on her desk and standing up suddenly.

Naruto merely made a derisive noise and crossed his arms over his chest while looking away, nose proudly stuck up in the air.

The vein in Tsunade's forehead bulged again as she clenched her right hand into a fist so hard her knuckles turned white and fingernails dug into her palm.

Shizune and Tonton both sighed in unison at the exchange. To the lay-man it may appear as though they were fighting, but these types of arguments were just how they showed their affection. The two truly did care about each other, although their stubborn pride would prevent either of them from ever admitting to it. Sometimes Shizune just wished they'd shut up and hug each other like any normal adoptive grandmother/foster grandson pair would.

Tsunade was about to tear into Naruto, when the door burst open and a small bundle of hyperactivity barrelled into the room and attached itself to Naruto's left leg. The younger of the two blonds in the room forgot his ire instantly and grinned when he heard a small, familiar voice call out to him.

"Tōchan! Tōchan!"

Naruto looked down to scoop up Bī and brought the child up into the air before settling her in a seated position on his shoulders. Naruto grimaced as Bī opted to use a tuft of blond as a hand hold when she nearly lost her balance in a fit of excitement.

Tsunade and Shizune blinked several times to make sure they weren't experiencing auditory or visual hallucinations, then settled for staring at them incredulously. Shizune wasn't as surprised to see Bī and Naruto so playful with each other as Tsunade was, but she was quite surprised all the same when Biwako Yūhi had addressed the teen as 'daddy'.

"Biwako, what have I told you about-" Kurenai began scolding her daughter but stopped short when she saw Naruto, whom she hadn't seen in a few days, with the child seated on his shoulders. Apparently Naruto wasn't just giving a flimsy excuse when he said he wasn't feeling well after sitting down to have tea, as he fell ill later that night and has been laid up in bed until the morning of the previous day.

"Kāchan! Look look, I found Daddy!" Bī chirped, causing Naruto to reach up and tickle her sides, eliciting a fit of giggles.

Kurenai couldn't help but sigh and smile fondly at how well her daughter and lover got along, as though Naruto really were the girl's biological father. It had initially startled both Naruto and Kurenai the first time Bī addressed the former as 'dad' but Naruto didn't seem to mind much, and Bī had never even seen Asuma before his death so Naruto was really the only male figure in her life that came close to a father. There was Shikamaru but he was more her guardian, or an uncle, than a father figure.

"Hello, Naruto-kun. Feeling better?"

Naruto smiled and nodded in the affirmative.

Tsunade cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, and then Naruto and Kurenai suddenly realized their situation and flushed slightly. Tsunade shot them a look that said she was awaiting an explanation for what she'd just witnessed.

Naruto swallowed hard, and began nervously scratching a whisker mark again, "Me and Kurenai-chan are... Uhh we're..."

"Naruto-kun and I are dating." Kurenai interjected, stepping to her lover's side and slipping her hand into his and intertwining their fingers.

"How troublesome..."

Naruto and Kurenai turned to find none other than Shikamaru Nara leaning against the door frame lazily with a stack of papers under one arm.

"H-hey, Shikamaru." Naruto greeted his former classmate, punctuating with a nervous chuckle.

Shikamaru waved a hand dismissively, "Relax, Naruto. Asuma-sensei only made me promise to look after Bī-chan."

The lazy shinobi looked Naruto over once and hardened his expression.

"Just don't do anything to hurt either one of them, Naruto Uzumaki." He amended with a threatening glare. Leaving the 'or else' unspoken, although it was quite clearly there.

Naruto nodded seriously, but Shikamaru seemed to have lost interest almost immediately after issuing his warning and walked over to lay the stack of papers on Tsunade's desk and left the room, lazily raising a hand over his shoulder in farewell. Kurenai and Naruto also said their farewells and left, Kurenai forgetting why she even came in the first place.

Several minutes later the couple was walking down the street, this time with Bī in between them, her left hand holding Kurenai's right, and her right hand holding Naruto's left, laughing and joking and just generally enjoying each others' company, completely ignoring the stares and whispers all around them directed at the Hero of the Hidden Leaf and his girlfriend.

Unfortunately the mood was quickly spoiled when a certain pink-haired kunoichi stalked up to the couple.

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