Introduction and chapter 1

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_________________ _________ _____ __ _ Intro.
-A/N : Just to start with the introduction. I'm sorry if I made spelling mistakes, english is not my first language and this is my first time writing and posting it on social media, ty for understanding <3. And also, sorry if my logic isn't clear, I'm still quite young so I haven't experienced school while being 18 years old plus I'm living in France so yeah.

Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk are classmates.
They're in Class A and they are all currently 18 years old (except the teachers and all).
Dokja is currently living with his cousin (although I invented her), her name is Taeji. Kim Taeji.
Kdj didn't have such a traumatic childhood, he had a normal childhood until his mother went to prison, that was the reason his father left for another woman (unlike in the original novel).
__________________ _________ _____ __ _ Chapter 1.
     - KDJ'S POV -

The sound of my alarm started filling my ears slowly. My body felt heavy, the soft cushions and blankets felt like they were sucking my body to stay in bed more.

I started to open my eyes slowly and also started to blink because of the bright sunlight that was hitting my face. The curtains were slightly opened, maybe Teiji nuna did that on purpose before leaving for work when I was still asleep.

My arms stretched to turn off my alarm as I yawned loudly, knowing that no one else was in the house with me. Since my mom went to prison, I went to live with my older female cousin, Kim Taeji. My cousin was only a few years older than me but she has already finished school and is now working as a lawyer. I admire her but she only took me in because she felt sorry for me and cares about me.

('Nuna' = how a younger brother or a younger man would adress an older female. It's similar to 'oppa')

After preparing and getting myself dressed, and also after eating breakfast, I grabbed my bag and prepared the things that we necessary for today's school subjects. I only wore a white
T-shirt with a sun flower drawing on the middle for today since the weather was rather hot. I also wore my sports shorts, thank god we didn't have to wear school uniforms.

After wearing my black shoes, the ones that I would wear for sport, I went to grab the keys from the kitchen table that Taeji nuna had left.
____________________________ At the school entrance.
Once I've set foot and pass through the school gates, I felt the soft summer breeze that was travelling across the school buildings. It was a rather pleasant weather and the subjects for today weren't actually that bad. Except for sport that we were going to have for two hours straight this morning.
____________________________ During sport.

After placing my bag on the bench under the cherry tree, I went to join my classmates that were already doing they're morning job, some were already done and were stretching themselves.

I didn't have many friends at school, in fact, I didn't have any friends at all, that is because I'm considered as a nerd most of the time for reading way toooooooo much books. I mean... can you really blame me for that? It is just my way to escape from reality. I don't really socialise that much either.

I did have my eye on one specific person. Her hair had a beautiful chestnut colour if that makes sense. She smells good and is one of the top students in school, she is also popular to the boys for her pretty looks and her unique personality. Her smile was able to light up a whole room, she really had a gorgeous smile that suited her cute personality.

Her name is Yoo Sangah.

I have to say that I'm rather unlucky but lucky at the same time because she is in the same class as me, that's the lucky part. The unlucky part is that there was someone else that has found themselves in the same class. Yoo Joonghyuk.

Why do I say that that's the unlucky part? It is because that bastard is so f*cking HANDSOME.
When I say HANDSOME, it's that this type of person is somewhat one of god's favourite in my opinion. To be blessed with such looks... this type of appearance would appear once after every century.

He had these perfect eyebrows and his nose was also very attractive, it had a very nice shape and it adds up to his key charms. His eyes were as dark as the night sky and it was a great pair with his eye shape. Eye lashes that most of the ladies would want naturally thanks to the unfair length that they had. His hair was straight but a little curly at the same time, it had a very dark colour and it made him look cooler in an unexplainable way.

And his body... OH MY F*CKING GO-

Those perfect curves and those round muscles, a smooth skin to add up with all of that. I almost want to be gay for him but thanks to Yoo Sangah, I'm not. Those are just my thoughts about that emo sunfish.

He's always wearing dark coloured clothing and he doesn't talk too much... in fact, I don't even think that he talks to anyone despite being overly popular around the school. Even students from our school rival knew about him.

I kind of envy him to be honest.

-A/N : thank you for reading the first chapter, I'll make sure to post the next one whenever I have free time <3. Please tell me your opinions so I can improve my writing in the next chapter.

The sunfish that I love // Yoo Joonghyuk X Kim Dokja ? // Angst // WholesomeWhere stories live. Discover now