Chapter 4- A piece of paper

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I had to go to school with a headache that day and it sure wasn't pleasant. Did he put some kind of thing in that cheesecake? Maybe something that I'm allergic to? I don't know.

The moment I arrive im front of my classroom, there was a group of people flocking around. I pushed through them all to enter the classroom while letting out a heavy sigh. The table and seat that are usually for me were occupied by someone, come to think of it, this was art class, that means that Yoo Sangah is placed beside me.

A group of boys were surrounding the table that me and Yoo Sangah shared for this period. I walked towards them to go to my seat.

Unfortunately there was someone else sitting beside her. I taped the shoulder of the boy that was sitting on my seat, he had bleached hair. Once he turned around, I almost laughed, blond hair doesn't suit him. The boy had a piercing on his right eyebrow, his face was covered in acne, he looked like a cheese with multiple holes if you know what I mean.

"What's your problem huh?" He said sounding quite annoyed by me.

"You're sitting on my seat."

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"I see no name on it."

"Look, just stand up and let me sit, we don't have all day. Class is starting soon." The back of my head was itching and I started to become irritated.

His friends looked at me with and amused expression while he just glared at me. Yoo Sangah just had her face turned towards the window while she rested her chin on her palm, she was trying to ignore everything that was around her but I could see her giving me quick glances as if she was somehow worried about me.

"Look here nerd." The guy said as he stood up, he was a little taller than me. Perhaps 10 more centimetres? He paused for a few seconds and didn't break eye contact while tilting his head down a little to look at me.

He spoke once more "I don't know where you've gotten that little attitude of yours and I really don't care..." He puts his hand on my shoulder "...I bet you don't even know who I am, how about this." His grip tightened.

I glanced behind him, checking if Sangah was alright but I could tell that she was very uncomfortable with the situation right now.

"How about what? Speak up, you're wasting my time."

"Peasants are supposed to wait for their masters to speak so do the same."

This dude is mocking me.

"After school, me and my gang here will be waiting for you. Don't even plan on escaping, we'll just end up tracking you down and you'll get yourself more in truble." His lips slightly curved upwards, forming a smirk.

Did he think of himself as a mafia hot shot? The way he was talking sounded hilarious, I tried my best to hold my laughter. I almost felt embarrassed.

"That's all?"

"Minhyun, remember my name for me."

He finally took his veiny hands off of my shoulder and left with a scoff. Him and the other guys left the classroom, the students that were in front of the door also squirmed off to their classrooms.
__________________________ After art class.
As expected, Yoo Sangah made another masterpiece, I felt so embarrassed when she would steal glances from my ugly drawing discreetly.

When the bell rang, she passed me a crumbled piece of paper and smiled before leaving.

I took the piece of paper and put it in my right pocket, it made me happy. Some male students were looking at me as if they were shocked. But why would they be? Anyone that matches Yoo Sangah's energy would get along with her pretty easily.
__________________________ After school.
Every step I made felt heavy, I didn't know what would happen to me when I saw the group of 7 people waiting for me at the exit.

A quiet sigh left my mouth when I walked pass the school gates to exit. I saw a familier face in the distance, the toad looking boy was waiting for me with his so called 'gang'. They looked rather skinny to me, french-fries lookalike.

Minhyun directly grabbed me by my collar and looked into my eyes, some students passing by took a few glances but all of them continued walking like nothing was happening.

"I heard lady Sangah had given you a piece of paper, very exciting isn't it?~" He said and smiled at me, his smile was making me uneasy.

'Lady', was he thinking of himself as a prince or some sort? He would be a frog but he wouldn't turn into a prince even if the princess of the story would kiss his ugly a*ss.

"Yeah, so what about it?" I asked, keeping my poker face.

"Give it to me and you'll get out of this situation with no problems. Give it now." He demanded.

"And want if I don't want to?"

     -A/N: Sorry for taking so long before posting this chapter. I've been busy playing a game and forgot to continue 😅. I hope you liked the chapter!

The sunfish that I love // Yoo Joonghyuk X Kim Dokja ? // Angst // WholesomeWhere stories live. Discover now