Ch. 2

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Percy was bouncing off of the walls while Lou had a look of annoyance on her face. "Perseus I swear to the gods if you don't stop running around, I will turn you into a rabbit."

That stopped him in his tracks for a second but he raised his eyebrow, "Blue rabbit?"


He stopped running altogether and started walking at Lou's pace. The thirteenth year old walked through the giant doors. The castle never stopped to amaze him, he loved the front doors as they were guarded by the founder's statue. They walked into a hall topped with a glass dome that let in all of the sunlight.

He took a breath in the familiar environment. "Come on kids, wait on the edge here." His mother said, all the kids immediately listened to her, nervous to get chosen by the wooden carvings.

He looked up at the dome and waved as he saw Atticus look down at them. The son of Enyo had been very vocal about watching their ceremony. He would love it if Percy and Lou would be in the same house as him. But then, his mother had also been very vocal about him joining her house.

Percy loves his mother with his whole heart, but he knows that he isn't a healer. something in him tells him that the statue's known as well.

One by one the students stepped up onto the engraved Gordian Knot. A knot, something that is impossible to untie. True to the legend, Alexander the Great was the first to untie it. They followed the alphabet by last name and Lou was called up.

Lou had been extremely nervous about which house she'd be in. Something about not ending up in the wrong one. What made her even more nervous was Atticus, he told the two younger kids about the time multiple statues chose a student.

Everyone knows that Lou is indecisive.

She stood on the knot and looked around. At first she looked at the Thunderbird, it was a magical creature that they sadly didn't have on the farm. It is said that the House is considered to represent the soul of a maj. The bird favored adventurers.

She then locked her eyes onto the Pukwudgie, this one represents the heart, they favored healers. Ellen jumped when a statue made a noise. The roar was loud and it came from the Wampus, then the Thunderbird beat its wings and the Horned Serpent's gem lit up.

Percy watched in awe as she was chosen by the different houses.

"You can make a choice now, Mrs. Blackstone." Professor Jackson said as she smiled approvingly. You could see she was a bit deflated, Percy assumes it is because Ellen wasn't chosen to join her house.

"Thunderbird." She said shyly. Percy immediately looked up to see Atticus pouting. He sniffled a laugh, Lou snapped her eyes onto the sound and glared at her friend. Percy held up his hands defensively and pointed up.

Lou snorted and was led out of the room to another. Percy waited and waited by his mother's side. He was going to be up soon.

"Perseus Jackson." She called out and he could hear the students cheering, 'Blue!'. Percy snapped his eyes at his mom and pouted.

"Don't make that face at me boy. Go stand on the knot." his mother said.

When he stepped on the knot the reaction was instant. First, the Thunderbird beated its wings, it was quickly followed with a roar. The Pukwudgie raised its arrow up in the air. Percy looked around and thought about what he felt.

Did he feel his body or his soul? Percy's body doesn't define who he is, but his soul does. With a deep breath, he pointed at the magical creature, "The Wampus." He said and it beated its wings once again in approval.

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