Ch1: awake

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The only thing *&#^% could see was darkness, they floated around aimlessly waiting for something to happen when they heard a voice.

My -.-. .... .. .-.. -.. .-. . -. I'm sorry. but this is were I shall leave you, my time has come to an end. Guard the - .-. . . and each other. The only thing you will get from me is your names *&#^% and (";>?%^&# good bye.

Dreams pov

After that ominous message it felt like there was a weight on me, wanting me to open the hole things on my head, I didn't want to so I kept them shut until the pressure to bad to handle. As the hole things finally opened, it hurt a bit from them being closed for so long, some thing went into my eye and made me blind for a sec, it also made something invisible go out of my mouth pretty fast!

Next to me there was another thing that kinda looked like me but were something that looked different, while. I was looking at them the the hole things opened on their head.  "Oh you're awake, never thought I'd see the day!  Listen my name is Nightmare, not any silly little name you can come up with for me" honestly the thing was kind of scary

"Ah" what came out of the bigger hole on my head? Why didn't it sound as put together as the others? "What does that mean? Anyways your name is Dream our job is to guard the tree, nothing else, and don't eat the yellow and black things" Since I couldn't make the put together sounds like them I just made my head go up and down without moving my body. (nodding)

"I'm going to go find food and stuff you wanna come with?" I moved my head again in the same fashion as before gonna call that uppy downs now. Nightmare got up on the long things near the bottom their body (legs), I tried to do that too but fell down, Nightmare laughed and went off by themself.

I was wanting to follow them so I kept trying, first I went onto the 4 long things (arms/legs) and moved to the big thingy (tree) grabbing it and pulling myself up on it, still holding onto it I put the long thing that Nightmare put in front of me putting some pressure on it, I. then picked. the other one up and put it in front of the other.

I kept doing this until it felt like I wasn't going to fall over, I then tried taking a few steps without the help of the big thingy (tree), I took a few and grabbed back onto the tree this continued until I was able to do it with out any help and not stumbling. I saw that big bright thingy (sun) was in the middle of the sky and that Nightmare was in the field with a thing in their hand, wonder what it is.

I wanted to know what the big thing (tree) looked like from the top, I saw some thing protruding from it above me, that would work to help get to the top! (branches) I tried grabbing one but it was out of reach, I then tried getting the flat bit of my bottom of my body (feet) off the ground. It toke me a bit but I got it! (bout 53 mins)

After I got into the tree Nightmare came back, "Dream where are you! I found some food!" huh wonder what that is. I jumped down behind Nightmare and tapped him on the shoulder "Oh there you are, here take this" he shoved a weird thing into my hand (🍐), I didn't know what to do with it so I watched him and copied what he did. Ok so it's put it close to the big hole (mouth) open it put the 'food' thing in and close, got it!

I then popped the whole thing into my mouth and swallowed, Nightmare didn't seem to notice because he already finished and was looking at the thing again. I went over and pointed at it "This is a book you read it when you have nothing to do, want to listen to me read?" I did. the uppy downs and he started reading it to me as I looked over. his shoulder seeing strange lines and remembering what he called them.

"I think that's enough for now, I'll give you a book tomorrow so you won't bother me." I nodded and he spread out on the grass, I finally learned what it's called, and closed his eyes. While he did that I climbed the tree and watched the bright thing (sun) went down in one direction get replaced with a dimmer bright thing (moon) in the other direction.

Finished this chapter! I'll explain same stuff
-Dream does not understand reading but learned words from Nightmare so Dream will be able to talk next chapter
-They also learns the names for things by next chapter

Have a nice day/night!


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