ch5: Hangout!

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{Thank you so much for reading this!}

Reapers pov

" Hey papyrus, I'm going out for a bit! text me if ya need anything"

"Ok brother!"

I warped over to where me and Dream usually hung out when we met up, it's a little clearing right beside the forest that was surrounded by flowers and bushes. A little pond was nearby and fish of different colors were swimming and a turtle was basking in the sun.

I set down the blanket and cards, me and Dream like to make stories with the cards. We pick the funniest ones and then make them into a story, I make sure to use family edition cause Dream is still a striped. They are too young to understand the jokes in the og Cards against humanity.

About 5 mins later I heard Dream teleporting next to me, they were wearing a striped shirt. that was yellow with purple stripes, grey shorts and black combat boots. They held a basket that contained two jars and some snacks.

"Hi Reaper!"

"Hey Dream!"

" I got the stuff how about you?"

"Yea I got it, ready to make some crazy stuff?"


{Meanwhile with Nightmare and the others}
Nightmares pov


"why do you think we know?"

Where is Dream? We left to go fight the 'good' sanses cause they were disrupting the balance, we just got back and Dream was gone. I'm worried, I know they can take care of them self cause they did for years but...

"I'll just ask when they get back, proceed with what you were doing"

Reapers pov

"Ok so this new story is, A lady had children with a shark with legs under her bed and one went on to be the president of the USA."

"That is the most bizarre thing I've heard yet"

"Hey Reaper, A bit ago on of my choices had the word father What's that?"

By now I'm used to these questions so it wasn't a surprise, but what was a surprise was the fact that the cards had the word father

"Well a father is a person that takes care of you, it doesn't have to be biological that's called adoption. Taking care of you means helping you as you grow up and be there for you"

"So, a parent?"

"Yes the other version people call them is Dad or papa"

"Are there other words for parent people?"

"Yea there's mothers which are often depicted as more caring than the father, but it depends on the family. They could also be called Mom, Mum, or Mama"


That was a strange interaction, honestly not as strange as when we first met but still strange. I wonder who takes care of Dream, I've only ever seen them by themself and not with other people.

Wait how old is Dream? They probably decades old in physical age but what about mental age? They have the fight skills of an adult but can barley count to 10 and can't even write!

I've watched kids after they die before they go with the ferry man and this is about the mentality of a 5 to 6 year old, sure they learn extremely quick and probably read 3rd grade books but they learned that from somebody they call 'Nightmare'.

Know what? This seems like a bad environment for them, they arn't even getting properly cared for despite how young they are! Their still in the striped zone which means they need a proper guardian.

"Hey Dream, how would you feel about living with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean leaving this place and me becoming your guardian"

at this I saw Dreams eyes widen, I couldn't read any emotion but I hoped they accepted the offer.

"Do I get to go with you to work?"

Hmmm, should I? I mean it can be dangerous but they could also help me with it, I'm considered neutral so not many people attack and him there is a battle I can put Dream out of harms way.

"Sure, but you need to promise me to stay safe"

" I want to go with you! and I promise"

After that we continued talking for about an hour.

"So how'd these two die?"

"One died from blood loss from getting bit by bear traps, could say they were gushing to die."

"Hehe, How bout the wanderer?"

"Spikes didn't work you could say they 'hung in there'"

"Sometimes I forget you're the positive guardian"

"I don't think I ever was"

"Why's that?"

"Nightmare said I should be able to make people happy by my presence and be able to use positive feelings to my advantage but I think they lied"


"Lied about me being the guardian, I think it was a sick joke to make someone else do the work"

You know what? I would've felt bad for taking Dream about 2 hours ago, now I just want to make sure they never come back here.

"Well, you can touch me! So you have some type of power that's special"

"Yea I guess so"

"You ready to ditch this place?"

"Yea, can I bring my bee?"

"Your bee?"

"Stuffed animal I got"

"Of course"

After Dream retrieved their stuffed animal we were off, Papyrus loved them and they got along well so that's good. We both decided to help Dream have a proper childhood as best as we can cause they thought they needed to take care of things adults should know not striped.


Sorry this chapter was rushed a bit cause I wanna be able to release it by at least the 31st, I I overly procrastinated so woop woop!

Dream gets to meet Swap soon! I'm planning to have them as another family figure or a teacher of some sort. they also get to meet Ink who isn't that weird cause I have no idea how to do inks personality!

Have a great day/night!


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