15. "I Can't"

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9:03 AM was the time, Ryeon's shift started at, 9, which meant she was late. Still sprawled out against Jungil's body, she nestled deeper into Jungil's neck and breathed in his scent. Softly smiling due to the position she was in, she allowed herself to fully relax her weight on him but was quickly interrupted by Jungil's groan of awakening.

"Ryeon~" He let out in his gruff morning voice, earning a sound of endearment from Ryeon. "Work" was all he could get out while rubbing her back, trying to show as much affection towards Ryeon, as much as his lethargic self could give.

"5 more minutes" Ryeon whispered out against Jungil's skin, almost causing Jungil to lose all resolve of getting her out of bed and into work. He loved her, of course, and if he had a choice, he would absolutely adore staying with her in bed all day while she teaches him how to love her but he couldn't do that. She not only had a job to do but one she was well respected in, the last thing he wanted to do was tardy her from her work.

"Ryeon" he called out as he shifted their bodies upright against the headboard and allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder. "You're late babe, you have to get up and go to work," Ryeon grumbled against his bare skin, opposing his words.

"Here, look," he said as he grabbed her face from his shoulder and pulled back so she was facing him. "I'm still on leave for the rest of the week so I'll be here all day. I'm not going anywhere so don't worry about quality time because I promise, we'll have that. What you need to focus on is keeping that image of the hard-working Ryeon you are and being late does not help that."

Ryeon, whose face was smushed in protest quickly turned to shyness after Jungil kissed her forehead and whispered a "come on" as he lifted her in his arms, and set her down on the floor beside the bed. Grunting as he set her down, Ryeon's knees immediately buckled and pulled back on Jungil's forearms.

"I can't" she whispered out, still holding on to him. Looking down at her legs to see them shaking, Jungil pulled the sheets from his lap and held Ryeon in the air, and set his feet on the floor to hold Ryeon between his legs. Looking up at her and slightly smirking as he knew he was the reason for her immobility, Ryeon shoved his chest and told him to "stop" as she too giggled.

Still laughing, she quietly told Jungil to help her move to the bathroom. "Hmm?" He said not hearing her over his broad laughter, as he stared at her with the most puppy-coded eyes. "Help me out" Ryeon repeated, adoring his face but feeling too shy to let him know. He wrapped his arms around Ryeon's waist and lifted her and slanged her across his back.

If it's not already obvious, Jungil was a lot more comfortable in the relationship than Ryeon was, which isn't really her fault. Ryeon had lived her whole life repenting with only a few moments to play on replay but Jungil, though a couple of months ago, had their history replayed, he was subject to feeling a greater connection.

Also, he just came back from hell, and all his moments were filled with Ryeon. They were both aware of the dynamic and understood that only time would help them both truly get to know each other; In this lifetime for what they couldn't in the last.

Kicking her feet and giggling against his shoulder blade, she let herself be comfortable and let out a breath of relief. "Thank you," she said as he brought her to the bathroom and sat her down on the countertop. "Mhmm" Jungil replied absentmindedly thinking she was referring to him carrying her.

Looking around to get a towel, Ryeon called out for him by awkwardly starting with a "for everything", finishing the sentence that Jungil thought was otherwise already finished. Turning back to meet her eyes, Jungil waited for her to finish her thoughts.

"I know sometimes it feels like I'm not really comfortable with us but if I'm being honest? I'm just not all the way confident in loving you the way you deserve. I'm sorry it feels like you have to give more than you're receiving, and I know I have-"

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