Chapter 3

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Glitter sat listening Choice complain the next hour about bum ass Dominic and his antics as she had washed conditioned, and blow dryed her her hair. She had already explained to her that he wasn't worth it because if he loved her, why would he sleep with her best friend? Growing up Choice had everything Glitter ever wanted, and she couldn't deny the fact that she envied her best friend. She had perfect clear coco brown skin, her hair flowed naturally past her shoulders. She didn't know why her friend wanted to wrap her hair in braids.

 Her body was perfect. Every part that was intimate to her was naturally inherited while Glitter had work done to enhance her body. After blow drying Choice's hair out, Choice decided that she wanted braids at the last minute. Luckily for her, I had leftover braiding hair in my weave. As Glitter was opening the package of synthetic weave, Choice had spoken up, interrupting the silence and starting a new conversation. "Are you going to Quan's party tonight?"

"Damn I forgot that was tonight. I don't know. Damn that mean Jamie gone be up in there, and you know how tight Jamie and Dayquan are." She stated to her trying to figure how she was gonna get up in the party and avoid Jamie. "And you know how tight Quan and Dominic are close. "Girl you thinking about this too hard. We could just tell them got invited by Quan's girl Kate. That's a piece of cake." Choice chimed. And that was Glitter's alibi.


It was rounding 8pm just as I finished Choice's hair.  Choice had just left when I headed to the shower and heard the doorbell ring. -DING DONG!-  "Who the hell could that be?" She thought to herself aloud. She walked over to wear my phone was at on the nightstand and saw Dominic on the on the Ring app. "Shit!" Glitter said to herself. "What the hell did he want??"

 While walking downstairs, Glitter pinned her hair up in a messy pony and tightened the towel around the door while opening the door for Dominic. Agitated that Dominic showed up without without Jamie, she said to him "Jamie  ain't here." Sensing her attitude, he forced his way into the house, damn near knocking the hinges off the door. Shutting the door behind himself he roughly grabbed weaved ponytail and pulled me into a wet sloppy kiss while responding in a gruff tone, "I know, but I ain't come here for Jamie. I came here for you." 

"So where the hell is Jamie?" He continued to kiss on her before responded to Glitter's question and stated, "You ask too many questions ma. Ya boy said he had some business to handle before came back here to you. Or didn't he run that by you already??" as he unwrapped the towel she had around her and tied it below her breasts.

 He removed his snake of a tongue from her lips and sucked on her bottom lip for two seconds before slithering his tongue to Glitter's breasts and taking in her nipples in his mouth. She wanted to stop him but couldn't. Too engulfed in the heat the moment she thrusted my breast closer too his lips, letting out a soft and low moan before going back to the matter at hand. "Well I think you should take them crusty claws you call a set of hands and get the hell out of my house!" she yelled out at Dominic. "Who gone stop me?" he said, and thrusted to inside my wet juice box. Glitter let out a loud gasp as he slowly removed fingers and then responded for her. "That's what I thought." 

He snatched the towel off her body gently made me on the floor and unzipped his True Religion denim jeans showing his grey briefs. His print was smaller than Jamie's but he knew how to use it and when the time was right, that was all that mattered at the moment. Once he entered Glitter's  forbidden paradise she wrapped her legs around his while his slithered that nasty thing he called a tongue back on her lips. That, way he would speed up the process and leave before Jamie came back home. She girated my hips to match his rhythm, not only to make him hurry up, but to make it pleasurable for myself.

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