Chapter 4

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I jumped out of the car big smile on my face. It was a perfect day for swimming and with 2 days left before Sarah left we wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. Kevin went on a vacation to Florida so it was just Sarah, Riley and me today. We all had matching bikinis, blue with pink lace and was a prefect pick for my skin tone. Yesterdays event was on my mind all of today but i figured the beach would help.

"I don't know about you two but I'm gonna get a tan cause I don't know any beaches in Philly" Sarah explained as she set out her towel.

"I have always been an ocean person so have fun" Riley said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the waters edge. She almost pushed me in but I was the stronger and faster one therefore she was the one down. We went knee deep before I felt something vibrating in my pocket. 

"Wait! I still have my phone I'll be right back" I screamed running up the beach to Sarah. I checked it before i put it down. 8 missed calls from an unknown number. They had left voice mails, i unlocked it and listened to the first one.

"Angie, its Ashley don't ask how I got your number but I have something important to talk to you about. I know you go by Maya Shepard now but I need the old Angie back for a while. Please call me right away." Then the line cut off. I stood there staring at the screen. I dropped it on the sand like it was poison and I had just drank it. 

"Maya, hurry up" Riley screamed. I couldn't deal with this now. I turned back to the oceans welcoming view and ran down the beach. joining up with Riley we dove through wave after wave each one calming me more and more down. I don't need Ashley, she shouldn't even be able to contact me. I don't want her in my life and I will not let her back in. Then it hit me, she was the one that broke in my house. She had taken the passport and with it the biggest secret there was. The memory coming back to me again.

"Why are you doing this? We can sort things out this isn't how we solve problems" Ashley sobbed.

"Maybe someday you will understand, but now is not the time." With that I turned and continued onward into a world of the unknown future. A teenager wondering the States until she settled with a family in California and forgot about everything. I never thought I would face this problem, but now I might have to leave and face the life I had before.

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